Can We Know When Life Begins?

Life. It is everywhere we look. Life ignites all of our actions. It is both fleeting and enduring. Boundless, and transient. The human species seems insignificant beside the power of nature, and the breadth of the life by which we are surrounded.

And yet, we have dominion over it all. It has been said that life is one of the most basic human rights.

But when does life begin? The view that we can’t know when life begins is common among those who support legal abortion.
And because we can’t know, they say, this means pro-lifers shouldn’t impose their “religious belief” that life begins at conception on others by outlawing abortion.

But the claim that a human being’s life begins at conception isn’t religious dogma. It’s actually a scientific fact. We can know three things about the unborn that tell us when human life begins. We know the unborn are alive, they are human, and they are whole organisms.

First, The unborn take in nutrients and grow via cellular reproduction. Second, The unborn are offspring of human parents, and have human DNA.

And Finally, The unborn are human organisms like you or me whereas sperm, egg, and body cells are merely human tissue and do not have any rights.

2 Responses to “Can We Know When Life Begins?”

  1. Rafael

    This is the most gruesome and crsuelet thing i have ever seen.I cannot beleive that a woman would have a abortion that late in her pregnancy and do this to a child.Wow and they way they do this of course the baby feels gruesome pain how could it not. cutting off its head and its spine. And tearing it apart. I beleive if a woman is pregnant and wants to do something like this that she should do this the first day that she finds out she is pregnant .Or keep her legs closed or take birth control.My God there are so many types of birth control methods out there.Dear God this is so in humane so sad.They will pay for this when they have to go in front of our maker.

    • Calendar For Life

      Yes this is gruesome. And thank you for recognizing that. It is so inhumane only God can bring about the change needed to return to a culture of life. Meer humans can only do their best to change it.


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