Meet The Abortion Survivors

Melissa Ohden – Saline Abortion Survivor – Melissa is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977. Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end her life and being born alive at approximately seven months gestation, she has not only survived but thrived. Learn More About Melissa.

A Voice for Life Trailer



The Abortion Survivors NetworkAbortion was meant to render us voiceless.  We are here to give voice to our experiences. Our voices aim to educate the public about abortion, the prevalence of abortion survivors, and the reality of our lives in a society that so often understands our would-be deaths as simply a choice, our lives without right or protection. Meet the Survivors and read their Stories. – The Survivors and their Stories.


Gianna Jessen grew up believing that she was born with cerebral palsy because she had been delivered prematurely in a particularly traumatic birth. That was the story told to her by her adoptive mother and it was not until she was 12 years old that she discovered the truth about what made her different from the other children at school. “I had an innate wondering,” Miss Jessen says. “I wasn’t satisfied for some reason, so I kept asking why I had this disability.

“She tried to break it to me gently and then, just as she was about to tell me, I said ‘I was aborted, right?’ She said ‘Yeah, you were.’ And my reaction was ‘Well, at least I have cerebral palsy for an interesting reason.’ ” ….. More about Gianna Jessen



Claire Culwell met her birth mother in 2009 and found out that she survived the abortion that took the life of her twin brother. She shares her story in honor of him.

Everyone needs to hear Claire’s story! Often times at pro-life events or banquets we can forget who is at stake in abortion. Claire’s passion reminds the audience that every life lost due to abortion cannot be taken back but every life saved from abortion is a profound witness of God’s hope and love for every human life. Clare’s Story Here.

Can Americans Continue to Avoid the Ugly Truth About Abortion?

“We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins.”  Thus spake Justice Blackmun, writing for the majority in the U.S, Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision in January, 1973.  And so the era of virtually unlimited abortion in the United States burst upon the nation in a flurry of obfuscation and falsehood.  There never was, in fact, any question of when “life begins”, certainly not on scientific grounds.

For more than four decades now, the abortion industry and its apologists have relied on verbal smokescreens like Justice Blackmun’s to provide just enough cover that Americans can avoid the ugly truth about abortion. (However) It’s getting harder all the time to keep the charade going.

Howard Slugh, an attorney, addresses the ultrasound issue in an article [here] in National Review Online called “The Life-Affirming Power of Ultrasound”.  He discusses in particular the growing number of state laws in the U.S. that require the abortionist to perform an ultrasound and to show the images to the mother of the unborn baby. “the more a mother knows about her child, the less likely she is to abort him.”

It’s good to bear this in mind as we work to protect life: truth is our ally.  ….. More by James Milliken

92 Years Later Pro Life Comes to Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Center

Manhattan’s first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign kicked off on Saturday night with a crowd of over 100 pro-life New Yorkers. The vigil will take place outside the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Center in lower Manhattan (92 years after it opened). 40 Days for Life’s national director, David Bereit, was the guest speaker, sharing the inspiring story of how 40 Days for Life started. Of the abortion center named after Planned Parenthood’s founder, David said, “This is where it began and this is where it must end.” ….. More

40 Days for Life Manhattan Campaign leader Jill Gadwood spoke about the need to bring 40 Days for Life to New York City, which is infamously known as the “abortion capital of America.” “I’m so encouraged by the amount of email I’ve seen about our upcoming campaign,” Jill said. “The videos exposing the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal have helped build interest in Manhattan.”  “I’m sure many of you have already seen some of these videos and are disgusted by them,” she said, “but you may not be sure what you can do about it.  Well, I have just the thing. Join Manhattan’s first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign to pray and witness for an end to abortion.” …… More

Planned Parenthood  of New York City: 1923 – Margaret Sanger opens the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan, later known as the Margaret Sanger Research Bureau, where physicians dispense contraceptives and study their health impact. …… More

Was Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood a Racist?

Our billboard is seen by tens of thousands every day.

Our billboard on I-94 near Albertville, Minn. is seen by tens of thousands every day.  The billboard message is meant to challenge everyone, especially Planned Parenthood supporters to ‘See For Yourself’ the practices of the abortion giant.

Another billboard recently went up on I-35 by Hinkley, Minn.  We have also created business cards with a similar message.   Please contact our St. Paul office at 651-771-1500 and ask us for as many cards as you can hand out.  These cards are an easy way to pass this important information on to anyone. …… More

The week prior to this huge rally, the Star Tribune newspaper had a headline claiming that the local Planned Parenthood had “weathered the storm” from the “national firestorm” caused by the undercover videos.  A clarion call was made to not let this headline be prophetic but instead for all of us to be God’s firestorm against the injustices of Planned Parenthood through our ardent prayers and actions. ……. More

Bishop Barron Gently “Schools” MSNBC’s Williams, Matthews

A theme to which Chris Matthews returned again and again was the role of women in the Church. Like most liberally minded Catholics, he thinks that women get the short end of the stick most of the time and that simple justice demands that they be given equal opportunity. Once he baldly introduced the subject to me this way: “Bishop, isn’t it true that, in the Catholic Church, the management is all male while the women do most of the grunt work? Why can’t women be priests?”

In responding to these questions, I tried a technique that the philosopher Wittgenstein referred to as “letting the fly out of the fly bottle.” This means to move the discussion into an entirely different register so as to prevent all the disputants from spending a lot of energy only to end up in frustration. How can women find more power? By becoming world-transforming saints!

Brian Williams posed a question to all of the commentators: “Isn’t it odd,” he asked, “that those without families are setting the moral agenda for families?”  Borrowing a phrase from the scholastic philosophers, I said, “Brian, in regard to your question, nego majorem (I deny the major premise). Priests, I explained, have families. I then indicated the ring that I received upon being ordained a bishop and I said, “That’s a wedding ring, and we are explicitly told never to take it off, for it symbolizes our marriage to the people we serve.” Then I quoted my mentor, the late Cardinal Francis George: “Priests are not bachelors; they are married men, and they have spiritual children.”  ….. Complete article at

Bishop Robert Barron is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and the host of CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking, award-winning documentary about the Catholic Faith.

The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion!

The following comes from a September 28 LifeSite News article by Abby Johnson. EXPOSED: The billionaire Planned Parenthood donor who wants his donations kept very, very secret. When we were first told about The Justice Fund, we were told that the money had been given by an anonymous donor. During the first year of the “Justice Fund,” our abortion numbers grew by 100%.

So, when Warren Buffett decided that he wanted to start this “Justice Fund” in order to donate $21 million a year to the abortion industry, you better believe that he wanted to remain anonymous.

(Warren Buffett: The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion) By Mike Ciandella & Katie Yoder This Media Research Center Exclusive Report uncovers 11 years of tax return data proving that Warren Buffett donated more than $1.23 BILLION to Pro-Abortion groups. Buffett has single-handedly donated enough money to abort 2.7 MILLION babies – equivalent to the current population of Chicago.
Paying for low income women to have abortions is all part of Buffett’s “population control” campaign. After all, as Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger said, minorities are “reckless breeders” who should be “eliminated from the human garden.” The population control campaign is inherently racist…as is the “pro-choice” position. I wish I had a dollar for every pro-choicer who told me that abortion has to be accessible for poor women…as if being poor makes you an unfit mother.

What Did Pope Francis Say?

A complete collection of the Holy Father’s remarks while on his apostolic journey to the United States. Read the Full Texts of All of Pope Francis’ Addresses During His Visit to the U.S. ……

Cheer him for the teachings you like, and you risk seeing the truth in teachings you don’t. Vatican spokesman does not deny meeting with clerk in gay marriage controversy. The Vicar of Christ elicits tears from a hardened reporter.

Baby Parts Buyer Videos Planned Parenthood

Watch the summary videos of specific undercover meetings from CMP’s Human Capital project documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. Trafficking in aborted baby parts is a national problem that crosses state and national lines and implicates multiple organizational layers of Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation, and numerous middleman companies. …… The Center for Medical Progress

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life said, “We have consistently maintained that Planned Parenthood profits from the sale of baby body parts. This video shows that clearly. Making a profit on the sale of body parts is against federal law. Despite the convictions of some abortion advocates, Planned Parenthood is not above the law. It is time to hold them accountable for their actions, and it is time for us to hold our public officials accountable for their responsibility to properly investigate and prosecute this illegal enterprise.” ……

Nashville’s Synagogue Hosts Planned Parenthood Fundraiser!

Jeff Teague , the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee accused Nashville’s Gordon Jewish Community Center of sub-cumming to bullies when they cancelled their October 1st fundraiser cocktail party called Amuse-Bouche, (entertaining the mouth). They had previously hosted such events for Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood reported that they were searching for a new venue but would not publicize the location once secured. Sorta hard to have a secret fund raiser. A follow up story by the Tennessean today disclosed that after being turned down by Second Harvest Bank ,which also had previously hosted their events, they are going to have their the fund raiser at The Temple , a Jewish synagogue in Nashville. …… Susie Allen @

Was Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood a Racist?

Sanger was a passionate racial-eugenicist with a crowning vision for what she openly called “race improvement.”  One of Sanger’s favorite slogans, so much so that it adorned the masthead of her Birth Control Review, was this: “Birth Control: To Create a Race of Thoroughbreds.” by Dr. Paul Kengor from the

Sanger hoped to finesse and refine the “gene pool.” She would do so not with gas chambers and concentration camps but with birth-control pills, eliminating human life before conception rather than after birth. Thus, her Planned Parenthood, which was originally called the American Birth Control League.

Margaret Higgins Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood, “IN HER OWN WORDS.” Her life ambition; her views on motherhood, adultery, teen sex, abortion, children, homosexuality, marital sex, compulsory sterilization, the rights of immigrants & indigents, the handicapped, the mentally ill, blacks, the church, etc. – all information compiled from her own writings!

Mike Wallace interviewed Margaret Sanger 9/21/57. Margaret Sanger, the leader of the birth control movement in America, talks to Wallace about why she became an advocate for birth control, over-population, and against the Catholic Church, and morality. Sanger in 1957.

George Grant wrote Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthood’s Founder, Margaret Sanger in 1995. “This brief monograph is an attempt to set the record straight. It is an attempt to rectify that shameful distortion of the social, cultural, and historical record. It has no other agenda than to replace fiction with fact.” Available from as a paper back. Also readable FREE on the internet at George Grants book is a must read for anyone who wants to know more about Margaret Sanger. Book Review by Pastor Childress of Black Genocide.

She was the founder of the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood. View materials written by Margaret and copies of the actual newsletters from the American Birth Control League – published from 1917 until 1940.

NORFOLK, August 10, 2015 ( – Black pastors are demanding the Smithsonian Museum remove a bust of Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger Goes Bust