Pro-lifers have Historic Opportunity on Election Day.

The sight of the dead girl’s limp body being pulled from the ruined abdomen of her mother is burned into my mind. It is a nightmarish vision that I will carry with me to the grave. I have been uncompromisingly Pro-Life ever since. Full Article

I am determined to fight for Life. I joined the ranks of the millions of Americans who had been selflessly giving of their time and treasure since 1973, when the Supreme had authorized this modern-day slaughter of the innocents. In my naiveté I anticipated a speedy victory.  After all, we had the most pro-life president in modern American history, Ronald Reagan, in office and on our side. I was wrong.

A year later, again thanks to Reagan, we were able to defund the UN Population Fund, an agency that was — and is — heavily involved in China’s program of forced abortions and sterilizations. I was proud of this victory. I provided much of the evidence.

We also cut back spending on population control and reduced Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer subsidies. Yet with each new Democrat administration — first Clinton, and then Obama — these advances were undone. The pro-life movement was never politically strong enough to write these gains into settled law.

On November 8th, for the first time in a generation, we have an opportunity to elect not just a pro-life House, and not just a pro-life Senate. We have an opportunity to elect a President who has promised to implement pro-life measures, and a Vice President with a solid and longstanding pro-life record.

We can “vote.” We have a say

We have what virtually none have had throughout history.  Until 1776, no one had a say in their rule. Full Article  “The Continental Divide” [in World Views in This Election] by Pastor Tommy Nelson, Denton Bible Church An Enormous Disparity of World Views in This Election

The best way to govern?  Through Jesus Christ, “righteousness incarnate,” “wisdom incarnate.”  He will not be elected.  But until He returns a representative democracy is a good way.

And, like it or not, we have the responsibility to be informed and vote.  Because the cause of death of a Representative Democracy is not just ignorance of truth but also apathy.  A-pathos: “don’t care.”  An apathy arising from discouragement that says, “I’m just one person,” or “the candidates are flawed,” or “I’ve got other things to worry about.”

Meaning, it is in the difficult day that you must be strong.  When evil has gained control, that is when you must stand.  You must be a hero when heroes must be.  And you can’t use the excuse of ignorance.

God knows that you know because God watches over you and cares for you.  And you will be accountable for your silence. And this is where we are in 2016. Two candidates.  Both flawed.  Seriously.  Both children of the 60s.  My people.  One five years older than me.  One just three.

Both “true nature’s child.  They were born, born to be wild.”  One an activist.  One a capitalist. Is it a meaningless election?  Will we lose either way?  An election called “The Clump.” No.  This election will be enormous in our history.  As the Republican and Democratic platforms are headed in polar opposite directions.  Not just politically, but theologically and morally.  Half of our country will be elated on Nov. 8.  Half outraged.

Because an enormous disparity of worldviews has finally surfaced in our country.  One that has been brewing beneath the surface for 100 years, ever since our move from modernism to post-modernism in the 50s and 60s.  “Modernism” is seeking truth, not through the Bible but through man’s reason.  Modernism believes there is truth but it’s up to man to find it.  Modernism failed.  Because of the prevailing question of “Says who?”  There was no final, eternal, infinite, outside of man, divine authority.

We Need to Win this Mother Fu**ker

Robert Creamer is tied to the Clinton campaign and the dirty tricks of buying and paying for homeless people and other protesters to show up at Trump rallies and provoke violence.  It is Robert Creamer who’s been caught on tape explaining how it was done, how it was paid for, and who ordered it done. Full Article

Dirty Tricks at Trump rallies Election 2016

Dirty Tricks at Trump rallies Election 2016

Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. And, it’s all disguised as a duck. In this video, several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations. “In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.” It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: “Don’t repeat that to anybody.” The first video explained the dark secrets and the hidden connections and organizations the Clinton campaign uses to incite violence at Trump rallies. The second video exposed a diabolical step-by-step voter fraud strategy discussed by top Democratic operatives and showed one key operative admitting that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. This latest video takes this investigation even further.

The Pro-life Community is Buying out the Abortion Industry

Reading a recent article here about another abortion center shuttered and bought out by the pro-life community—this time in Toledo, Ohio—I’m seeing more than a few isolated victories. Full Article

For God’s sake, literally, because this is truly for God and His glory; this is happening in Florida, Philadelphia, Chattanooga, Iowa, Miami, Texas—and other places as well.

Guess what? In pockets across the United States, we—the pro-life community—are buying out the abortion industry. And I thought it was big abortion that had all the money.

But It crossed my mind that perhaps, just perhaps, we could actually drop a “money bomb” on the abortion industry (we’re not talking violence, it’s not who we are; we’re talking economics) that would send one of the most powerful messages imaginable. In the process, we could flip the narrative toward making our ministries the first choice for those facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Trump Clinton Polar Opposites On Abortion

“I am pro-life and I will be appointing pro-life [Supreme Court] justices,” Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, stated at the debate.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, said about mothers’ decisions to have abortions, “I do not think the United States government should be stepping in and making those most personal of decisions.”

The next president will appoint at least one justice to the Supreme Court. Early in the debate, moderator Chris Wallace pressed Trump on if, as president, he would want the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Court’s 1973 decision that declared a woman’s “right” to an abortion existing under her right to privacy.

Trump said he would appoint pro-life justices, but stopped short of saying he wanted the Court to overturn the Roe decision. “If that would happen, because I am pro-life and I will be appointing pro-life justices,” he said, “it [the legality of abortion] will go back to the individual states.”

Clinton, for her part, declared her strong support for Roe and also for Planned Parenthood, the “reproductive health care” organization that is the nation’s largest abortion provider. “So many states are putting very stringent regulations on women that block them from exercising their choices to the extent that they are defunding Planned Parenthood, which of course provides all kinds of cancer screenings and other benefits for women in our country,” she said.

Why is Senator Kaine Personally Opposed to Abortion

Why is Senator Kaine personally opposed to abortion, if he does not believe that it is the taking of an innocent human life? I hope in his science classes at Rockhurst he learned that at the moment of fertilization a new human life has begun with his or her own distinct DNA — different from the genetic code of both the child’s mother and father.

It was painful to listen to Senator Kaine repeat the same tired and contorted reasoning to profess his personal opposition to abortion while justifying his commitment to keep it legal. He said all the usual made-for-modern-media sound bites: It is not proper to impose his religious beliefs upon all Americans. He trusts women to make good reproductive choices. And when all else fails, there is always: Do we really want to criminalize and fill our jails with post-abortive women?

The founders of our nation actually dealt with this issue 240 years ago in the Declaration of Independence, in which they articulate certain self-evident and inalienable rights that government does not bestow but has a responsibility to protect. Our founders actually believed that the right to life is given to us by our Creator, not by the Supreme Court. Of course, religion will speak about fundamental human rights issues. However, to understand that the government has a right to protect human life is not dependent on religious belief. As the founders’ stated, these are self-evident truths. They are accessible to everyone through the use of reason. They do not require faith.

Before the late 1960s when abortion was illegal in every state, except for the life-of-the-mother cases, it is difficult to find a single instance of a woman imprisoned for abortion. The laws were enforced against the abortionists. Our own legal experience shows clearly that it is possible to develop public policies aimed at protecting children, not punishing women.

Are They Building a New Health Care System?

In response to religious freedom concerns – as well as concerns about rising insurance costs – some Americans began turning to health care-share organizations, which have grown in popularity over the past few years.

Solidarity HealthShare, based in Phoenix, Arizona, was founded in 2012 in conjunction with a pre-existing healthshare group called Melita Christian Fellowship Hospital Aid Plan. Solidarity HealthShare facilitates health-sharing among individuals and families across the country, who are looking to opt out of traditional healthcare for a more ethical and faith-centered option.

Solidarity HealthShare is not health insurance. Rather, it is a ministry intended to share the financial burden of those who pay for their own healthcare through voluntary, financial sharing of eligible medical costs between its members.

Rather than paying premiums to an insurance company, every member pays a monthly “share,” which is directly matched to another member’s medical bills.

Solidarity HealthShare is a non-profit organization and exempt from federal regulations, protecting it from the contraception mandate.

Its members are also exempt from a separate mandate requiring individuals to purchase health insurance.

Such Blatant Political Bigotry is an Affront to Orthodox Catholics

At this important time in our nation’s history, I encourage all of us to take a moment to reflect on one of the founding principles of our republic – the freedom of religion. It ensures the right of faith communities to preserve the integrity of their beliefs and proper self-governance.  There have been recent reports that some may have sought to interfere in the internal life of the Church for short-term political gain. If true, this is troubling both for the well-being of faith communities and the good of our country.

In our faith and our Church, Christ has given us a precious gift. As Catholics, we hold onto our beliefs because they come to us from Jesus, not a consensus forged by contemporary norms. The Gospel is offered for all people for all times. It invites us to love our neighbor and live in peace with one another.  For this reason, the truth of Christ is never outdated or inaccessible. The Gospel serves the common good, not political agendas.

I encourage my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters, and all people of good will, to be good stewards of the precious rights we have inherited as citizens of this country. We also expect public officials to respect the rights of people to live their faith without interference from the state. When faith communities lose this right, the very idea of what it means to be an American is lost.

Politicians, their staffs and volunteers should reflect our best aspirations as citizens.  Too much of our current political discourse has demeaned women and marginalized people of faith. This must change.  True to the best hopes of our founding fathers, we are confident that we can and will do better as a nation.

Don’t Abort your Babies, even when Doctors Recommend it

A Grammy-winning music star from Puerto Rico and his wife recently shared their pro-life story with the world, and it’s inspiring.

Juan Luis Morera Luna, known as Wisin of Wisin & Yandel, and his wife, Yomaira, learned that their preborn baby girl had been diagnosed with Trisomy 13, a condition that is considered incompatible with life. Most children with the condition don’t survive for much more than a month after birth, with the average being seven days. The couple, parents to two other children, was offered an abortion. They refused.

The baby girl, named Victoria, was diagnosed at five months gestation, and the couple said they plan to love their child for who she is and accept her completely.

“Don’t abort your babies, even when doctors recommend it,” Yomaira said. “Doctors try to convince you that abortion is right, but that’s not the path God wants us to choose, because we are not the ones to decide the life and death of a human being, even our own children. Trust that God has a perfect plan, even if we do not know why, or know how. Victoria has fulfilled every one of her purposes from the moment we knew of her condition.”

Hillary Clinton Mocks Catholics!

All Americans of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the values we want to be represented in our next president,” (Paul) Ryan added.

Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway blasted the remarks in a conference call Wednesday, saying they show the campaign’s disdain for Catholics.

“For 30 years Hillary Clinton has been openly hostile to practicing Catholics,” she said, citing Clinton’s support of partial birth abortion and the ObamaCare contraception mandate. “Now her staff is caught calling Catholics ‘backwards’ in emails seething with disdain.” Conway called for Clinton to fire those on her staff who have expressed anti-Catholic sentiments.

“Everyone involved should be ashamed. The hostility to religious liberty and disdain for Catholics should not go unpunished,” she said. “We call on Hillary Clinton to apologize and fire the staff involved in this anti-Catholic bigotry.”

“Excellent point,” Podesta exclaimed. “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.” Subsidiarity – an organizing principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority. Political decisions should be taken at a local level if possible, rather than by a central authority.

Read “Summa Theological” to understand “Theistic” thought, which fundamentally means God sets a moral order of the Universe that man must submit themselves to or face certain peril. Podesta and his ilk would do better to actually reflect on those concepts, which kept Western civilization stable for over two millennia, rather than scoff at them like a bunch of high school gossip girls.