California Says “Religions Must Support Abortion”

Sacramento, California (June 1, 2017) — Democrats who dominate the California State Assembly have voted for impose their pro-abortion agenda upon churches, religious schools, religious colleges and universities, religious hospitals, religious care facilities, religious business owners, and other religious institutions in California.

State religion that forces churches what to believe

State religion that forces churches what to believe

AB 569 prohibits religious institutions from having codes of conduct or any employee policies that prohibit abortion or limit “reproductive health care decisions” in any way. If this bill becomes law, religious institutions in California with non-“ministerial” employees can no longer uphold their beliefs about contraception, abortion, or sex outside of marriage in employee policies. Full Article

“This intolerant bill brashly crosses the line between Church and State,” Thomasson said. “The new ‘religion’ of AB 569 is to tell children at church schools that good Christianity is where teachers and church secretaries have unmarried sex and get abortions. This is the big nose of the government poking itself where it absolutely doesn’t belong. Do Californians want a State religion that forces churches what to believe?”

Biology, Transgenderism, and the Human Person

Surgery and hormones can repress or instigate secondary sex characteristics such as voice pitch, hair growth, and breast development.

Gender identity and expressionSociety then tells the lie that an outward change in secondary sex characteristics is, in fact, a change in gender itself. Yet, secondary sex characteristics are in fact secondary because their expression does not of itself make a person male or female. In reality, gender fact biologically stamped upon every cell of the human body, an imprint which no amount of surgery, hormones, or perception can alter.

Genitals do not equal gender. Personal choice cannot alter gender. It is an intimate and essential fact of creation that is biologically imprinted upon each person, whether or not society chooses to accept it.

It is a false charity to pretend that people can change their gender to feel “more at home in their own skin.” People who have undergone gender reassignment surgeries continue to suffer greatly, with increased levels of suicide and mental illness compared to the general population. Humans can not live out a lie in their bodies and be happy. Full Article

Fearless 85-year-old says no to LGBT flag at church.

An elderly woman in ultra-liberal Carlisle, Mass. had the nerve to publicly criticize the gay flag outside of a church in the center of town. She caused such an inflamed reaction that it was reported in Boston’s NBC-TV evening news. (See below.) But she’s not backing down — which inflames the leftist reactionaries even more!

Fearless 85-year-old says no to LGBT flag at church.

Fearless 85-year-old says no to LGBT flag at church.

Sally Naumann, an 85-year-old resident of Carlisle and a longtime MassResistance activist, had had enough. She was very upset that the Unitarian Church in the center of town is flying a “gay” rainbow flag outside. She is distressed because people she knows have died of “gay”-related diseases. She strongly believes the homosexual lifestyle should not be promoted. Full Article

Sally is a delightful lady, as well as fearless. In 2005, she went undercover at the homosexual GLSEN conference at Brookline High School. She picked up a copy of the extremely pornographic and disgusting “Little Black Book” that was being given to kids. It caused such outrage that even Gov. Mitt Romney went on television to distance his administration from it.

A simple letter to the editor started a war in town! On April 28, 2017, Sally wrote a letter to the editor to the local Carlisle Mosquitonewspaper. They published it at the end of all the others, on page 22, near the back of the paper.

Scathing newspaper editorial against Sally. In the May 5 issue of the newspaper, next to the letters, was a scathing editorial aimed at Sally and her letter. In particular, the editorial explored whether Sally’s facts and opinions should be banned from the newspaper in the future.

Sadly, the editorial shows the level of nonsense and shallow thinking that America’s journalist class has lowered itself to. It stated that the newspaper’s staff  “believes it is of supreme importance to be sensitive to the concerns of marginalized populations.” (Not conservatives, clearly.) It admitted that in past years the paper had run letters similar to Sally’s without a problem. But now the community must be protected from these views.

When Nature Isn’t Natural Anymore!

The only way for what is not natural to become natural is to give the word “natural” an unnatural meaning. And that is where we are headed as a society. We are being asked to give up believing that there are any things that are “natural” to our humanity and pretend that things are only what the law says they are.

A magazine advertisement from circa 1950s.

A magazine advertisement from circa 1950s.

In the context of the LGBT agenda, that means words like “marriage,” “fatherhood,” “motherhood,” and “family” will now only mean what we say they mean. They are mere words without meaning until we assign them meaning by a law; there is nothing naturally true about any of them.

However, the problem is that giving a word a meaning contrary to its natural meaning requires us to give a new meaning to all the words associated with that word. That necessity is currently reflected in our struggle to figure out what to do with marriage-related words in other laws now that our law has abandoned the natural meaning of marriage.

And herein lies our real problem—constructing a universe of meaning to replace the universe of meaning we “naturally” had. That is a God-sized task, and it begins with giving the word “God” a new meaning, too; it now simply means “us.” To me, that just doesn’t seem natural. Full Article

Miss North Dakota speaks out against abortion

Miss North Dakota speaks out against abortion: ‘We support unborn women who can’t speak for themselves’

LiveAction News

Miss North Dakota speaks out against abortion

Miss North Dakota, Macy Christianson, addressed lawmakers on the Senate floor Wednesday, thanking them for their crucial work in protecting the rights of the preborn. Christianson, who represented her state in the Miss America competition in 2016, affirmed that being pro-life is in favor of women.
“One aspect that I love in particular about being a title holder is that I represent such an amazing organization, yet I’m still an individual that can stand for things that I’m passionate about and that matters to me,” Christianson said. “I have immense respect for our state for having taken a stand for what I believe is right in regard to abortion.”
Christianson added that North Dakota is an example of a state working to protect the rights of both women and their preborn children.
“I have had people tell me that North Dakota is against women and our rights,” she said. “I have to disagree, because not only do we support our women, but we support our women who are unborn and can’t speak for themselves.”

Matt Walsh takes the Boys Scouts to the Woodshed.

Goodbye, Boy Scouts. You fools. You invertebrates. You caved once again and will now allow “transgender boys” — also known as girls — to enter your ranks.

Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America.

Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America.

I guess you forgot that the girls already have their own branch of the Scouts. It’s called the Girl Scouts. You know, the one with the cookies. Will the Boy Scouts start selling cookies now, too? That would be one upside to all of this, at least.

Your chief executive declared yesterday that it’s “not sufficient” to use a birth certificate as reference point to determine a person’s gender. I’m certain that he doesn’t actually believe that. Most of the people who’ve submitted to the “transgender” superstition don’t actually believe it. They know full well that a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy. That’s the obvious truth. But in these irrational days, it takes a bit of fortitude to stand by the truth, especially the most obvious truths. Unfortunately, fortitude is precisely what you lack. And by “you,” I mean the leadership who made this decision. The actual scouts themselves are just another set of victims here. But not for much longer, because Christian families are pulling out. We’re done with you. For good. Full Article

We tried to tell you this would happen. Once you start compromising with the Culture of Death, it never ends. You can’t just sell a piece of your soul to the Devil and expect him to leave you alone. No, he wants to eat the whole thing. He’s always hungry, never satiated.

So, you surrendered to the LGBT lobby a few years ago and allowed in openly gay Scouts, even though the Supreme Court had already upheld your right to exclude them. You thought the forces of darkness would be satisfied with that, but they weren’t. Like we warned you. Then you surrendered and welcomed openly gay scoutmasters into the fold, enabling homosexual men to accompany young boys on overnight camping trips and all the rest of it. You thought they’d finally leave you alone then — I mean, what else could they possibly want? — but you were mistaken.

So, if I haven’t been clear, here’s how this works: You give the leftist bullies every last thing they want, and in return you get nothing. Whatever you already had, you lose. Those who supported you while you were being attacked, no longer support you. The people who hated you still hate you and the people who loved you now resent you for betraying them. You are now officially in a lose/lose/lose/lose-unto-infinity scenario.

Meanwhile, we Christian families will be sending our boys to Trail Life USA. Same sort of organization, minus the cowardice and confusion. That’s what a win/win looks like.

Scouts get the Boot! Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City cuts all ties to the Girl Scouts!

It’s no more Thin Mints, Trefoils or Do-Si-Dos for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City

Just say no to Girl Scouts

Just say no to Girl Scouts

Saying that Girl Scouts is “no longer a compatible partner in helping us form young women with the virtues and values of the Gospel,” the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is severing ties with the organization and switching its support to a Christian-based scouting program.

I have asked the pastors of the Archdiocese to begin the process of transitioning away from the hosting of parish Girl Scout troops and toward the chartering of American Heritage Girls troops,” Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann said in a statement released Monday. Full Article

“Pastors were given the choice of making this transition quickly, or to, over the next several years, ‘graduate’ the scouts currently in the program. Regardless of whether they chose the immediate or phased transition, parishes should be in the process of forming American Heritage Girl troops, at least for their kindergartners, this fall.”

Naumann also called for an end to Girl Scout cookie sales in the archdiocese. “No Girl Scout cookie sales should occur in Catholic Schools or on parish property after the 2016-2017 school year,” he said in a letter to priests in January.

Are the new killing fields are hospitals and health clinics?

Today in Great Britain the government chose death for a baby with two parents, whom the judge himself described as showing “absolute dedication to their wonderful boy, from the day that he was born.”

Parents Connie and Chris Gard hold baby Charlie

Parents Connie and Chris Gard hold baby Charlie

Charlie Gard’s daddy pleaded with the British judge for a chance at life for his son, who suffers from a rare genetic disorder. Charlie “should not have to die because he will not be like another little boy.”  “Please,” he begged the judge, “give him a chance.”

Instead last week Judge Nicholas Francis ruled: “It is in Charlie’s best interests” that “Great Ormond Street may lawfully withdraw all treatment save for palliative care to permit Charlie to die with dignity.” Charlie’s parents are appealing the ruling. Charlie’s death sentence is stayed for a few weeks. Full Article

Charlie’s parents had started a GoFundMe campaign. They raised more than $1.5 million from 80,000 donors for an experimental treatment in the United States.

But instead the doctors intervened and requested the power to pull the plug on Charlie. Loving parents asked for their natural right to try everything to save their son’s life. Instead the judge ruled they had no say in their own baby’s medical care.

We may not yet have gotten used to the idea a judge can tell fit and loving parents they may not spend their own money to save their child. But we’ve grown used to being part of the vast killing fields of the West that makes health clinics the most dangerous place to be.

In Laws Bring Their Daughter In Law To Have An Abortion ……. And Then, This Happened

In Laws Bring Their Daughter In Law To Have An Abortion ……. And Then, This Happened. A baby was saved at an abortion mill in Las Vegas. God worked in this family. Praise the Lord

Thank you Brothers for standing in the gap!!! Praise the Lord!! I cannot wait to see this precious baby!! God bless you all!

Are You Really Pro Life?

After reading an article, I realized that I really wasn’t Pro-Life. My statement of being “Pro-Life” failed to result in any meaningful actions. What about you?

How important does something need to be before we truly make it a priority and do something about it?