Bloody Billionaires Target Families, Unborn

Dear Friend of the Friday Fax,

You have heard of billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates. You’ve heard of Warren Buffet and George Soros. But have you heard of Chuck Feeney? Tim Gill? How about John Styker.

Each are hard-left billionaires who have targeted the family, and the unborn at the UN and on the ground around the world.

We need your help to fight back against them.

Bloody Billionaires Target Families, Unborn

Bloody Billionaires Target Families, Unborn

Fact: Bill and Melinda Gates are spending hundreds of millions to spread dangerous contraceptives throughout the developing world, especially targeting Catholic communities in African. They are a driving force at the UN. Melinda Gates says she is a faithful Catholic.

Fact: George Soros, worth $23 billion, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to anti-life and anti-family groups active at the UN, including Catholics for Choice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood and many more.

Fact: Chuck Feeney single-handedly funded the campaign in Catholic Ireland to legalize homosexual marriage. Right now, he is spending millions to overturn Ireland’s pro-life law, one of the last countries in the world to fully protect the unborn child.

Fact: Warren Buffet has contributed more than $1 billion to pro-abortion groups. Buffet has an especial fondness for the “inter-uterine device”, a nasty piece of plastic that renders a woman’s womb hostile to the unborn child. Warren Buffet also funds something called “Mifepristone”, a highly dangerous injectable contraceptive used on African women.

Fact: Billionaire Tim Gill spends millions in support of radical LGBT groups working at the UN to advance a wicked agenda. These groups are not merely looking for “nondiscrimination”. They are gunning for dominance. They are working toward burning down the authority of the Catholic Church.

We have beaten rich bullies in defense of the unborn and family for twenty years. We will not let these bloody billionaires stop us.

Pray for us now and please give.

Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
Publisher/Friday Fax

PS We will never give up. Never.

I was a Human Experiment During the Holocaust

Eva Mozes Kor and her identical twin, Miriam Mozes, survived the deadly genetic experiments conducted by The Angel of Death, Josef Mengele, in the deathcamp Auschwitz during 1944-1945. Their parents, grandparents, two older sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins were killed ..

I was a Human Experiment During the Holocaust

I was a Human Experiment During the Holocaust

Mengele did a number of medical experiments of unspeakable horror at Auschwitz, using twins. These twins as young as five and six years of age were usually murdered after the experiment was over and their bodies dissected. A smiling “uncle Mengele” injected chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color. He made experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one twin to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. He made injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, the removal of organs and limbs. YouTube Video

Approximately three thousand twins passed through Auschwitz during WWII until its liberation at the end of the war. Only a few of these twins survived the experiments which they were subjected to at the hands of Mengele. Among them were Eva and Miriam Mozes. Facebook Video

Eva and Miriam Mozes were born in the small village of Portz, Romania, on Jan. 30, 1934.  Life for the Mozes family was good for years, but in March of 1944, the family was told to gather a few belongings because they were going to be relocated. They were taken to a ghetto in Simleul Silvanei and then deported to Auschwitz.

Online Population Control Seminar “The Global Agenda to End Poverty by Eliminating the Poor”

The first-ever internet-based international population control seminar will provide background on the issue and discuss the grave harm that population control programs are inflicting on the world’s poor.

International Conference on Population Control

International Conference on Population Control

The International Conference on Population Control will be presented in an online format, making the conference available to everyone. The Lepanto Institute is hosting event with the theme “How Radical Enemies of Life are Pushing Their Global Agenda to End Poverty by Eliminating the Poor.”

The conference is scheduled online for October 17-19 from noon to 4 p.m. EST. It features 12 noted speakers who will explain how environmentalism, foreign aid and international foundations are attacking the poor in the name of reducing poverty.  Full Article

“Many people are completely unaware that population control is pushed by organizations and charities they donate to and trust,” said Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute. “What they are told is helping vulnerable people actually harms them, robbing them of opportunities and the right to self-determination.”

Click here to register for the International Conference on Population Control.


SOUND THE ALARM! Video investigator David Daleiden is under vicious new attacks from Planned Parenthood. Join this urgent online event to discover the enormous breakthrough which can help turn the tide and defeat the abortion Goliath.

Pro Life Live Webcast

Pro Life Live Webcast

It’s on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern)and 6:00 p.m. (Pacific). By attending, you can ask David your questions, and get answers straight from the source! Learn the latest behind the scenes revelations about Planned Parenthood’s inhuman aborted baby body part harvesting and trafficking business… More Information and Registration

Stunning victories that David’s undercover investigations have already achieved,  including accelerating efforts to defund the abortion chain of the half billion taxpayer dollars it rakes in each year…Breaking news of how Planned Parenthood and its political puppets have just ramped up their vicious attacks…Why it’s imperative to ensure that the abortion empire doesn’t succeed at silencing David and his life-saving work…and how a huge, new breakthrough in this case can help David win his epic struggle against the abortion giant!

FEATURED PRESENTERS: DAVID DALEIDEN, Founder, Center for Medical Progress MARJORIE DANNENFELSER, President, Susan B. Anthony List TOM BREJCHA, President & Chief Counsel, Thomas More Society.

STEVE COOLEY, Former Los Angeles County District Attorney BRENT FERREIRA, Former Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney ROYCE HOOD, Attorney, Entrepreneur, Activist DAVID BEREIT, Former CEO of 40 Days for Life, Webcast Host.

WEBCAST CO-SPONSORS: Center for Medical ProgressThomas More SocietyLifeSite – Susan B. Anthony List The Justice Foundation Catholic Marketing Network.

One of the most Important Supreme Cases in our Lifetimes

Coerced speech is the tool of tyrannies, not free nations.

If the government can punish us for believing the “wrong things” and for acting on those beliefs, then we simply don’t live in a free nation. When the government tells you what you must say, that is even worse.

Jack owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado. He creates incredibly beautiful cake designs that are genuine works of art. When two men asked Jack to create a custom-designed cake to celebrate their same-sex wedding, he declined. But he offered to sell them anything on the shelves. Full Article

Colorado Cake Artist Jack Phillips goes to United States Supreme Court

Colorado Cake Artist Jack Phillips goes to United States Supreme Court

It was not because these two men couldn’t get a wedding cake. In fact, they were offered many cakes for free. The ACLU and the government of Colorado have one motive in this case — they want to silence and punish any person who refuses to believe that same-sex marriages should be celebrated. And they don’t just hate freedom for Jack Phillips. They hate your freedom. Alliance Defending Freedom

Did you know that a Christian man recently went to three other cake shops in Colorado and asked for custom cakes with messages that opposed same-sex marriages? All three shops turned him down because they did not want to promote his message. And yet, the Colorado Commission held that these three cake designers were not in violation of the law and had the right to refuse to create messages with which they did not agree. Interview on the View

A gay Colorado mega-millionaire, Tim Gill, has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into opposing people who share Jack’s beliefs about marriage. In a recent interview in Rolling Stone, Gill made it clear that he is going after Christians and others who don’t want to join in same-sex marriage celebrations. Gill says that his goal is to “punish the wicked.”

Gruesome Business Getting Rid of and Hiding the Mountain of Aborted Flesh.

“Since abortion mills will not purchase cemetery plots to bury the children that they murder – because then they would have to admit that they are persons -many hire medical waste companies to dispose of the fetal remains.”

COLUMBUS, Ohio, August 9, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) The country’s largest waste hauler confirmed that it has ceased doing business with hundreds of customers, “including many Planned Parenthood locations, in the wake of a pro-life group’s campaign to stop the disposal of aborted children.

The gruesome Business Getting Rid of and Hiding the Mountain of Aborted Flesh from dismembered children

The gruesome Business Getting Rid of and Hiding the Mountain of Aborted Flesh from dismembered children

Medical waste firm Stericyle, Inc. ended business agreements with more than 400 customers in recent years, the company said in court papers, because the companies did not certify they would comply with an agreement to not use Stericycle to dispose of aborted babies.

This was affirmed in a June letter from Stericycle CEO Charles Alutto to Ohio-based pro-life group Created Equal.

Created Equal national director Mark Harrington told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive statement that Stericycle had taken “a vital first step in the process of ceasing its involvement with the abortion cartel.”

Stericycle has been Planned Parenthood’s main medical waste service provider in America, according to Created Equal, and the abortion giant cannot do business without the disposing of children aborted at its facilities.

Boy with ‘no brain’ Stuns Doctors!!

Noah Wall was born with less than 2% of a brain – but he has amazed medics by growing into a happy, chatty little boy.

Doctors said he would die before birth, or shortly after. They were repeatedly encouraged to have an abortion — but Noah’s parents refused.

Noah Wall was born with less than 2% of a brain - but he has amazed medics by growing into a happy, chatty little boy

Noah Wall was born with less than 2% of a brain – but he has amazed medics by growing into a happy, chatty little boy

“We were offered termination five times,” Rob Wall, Noah’s father, said. “It was never an option for us. To me, we wanted to give Noah that chance of life.” Still, with the grim diagnosis before them, Noah’s parents planned for the worst. They planned his funeral before he was born, and expected to have to say goodbye to their sweet boy soon. Full Article

Over time, Noah’s brain grew. By age three, he had 80 percent of a normal brain, and his family continues to work to aid his brain development. His spina bifida has left Noah paralyzed from the chest down, and he required the use of a wheelchair, but that hasn’t slowed him down. Now, Noah is attending school and can even count to 10, and can talk as well as read. Video

Noah, the little boy doctors predicted would die shortly after birth, is not only still alive against all odds — he’s thriving. In the documentary “The Boy Who Grew A New Brain,” Noah is shown to be an active, happy, and remarkably empathetic boy. (In one scene, his mother cries while she attaches his braces, and Noah responds by asking her if she’s all right.)

“I wish the best of his future. Perhaps maybe he may become smarter than Stephen Hawking”

Planned Parenthood Continues Using Illegal Partial Birth Abortion

Planned Parenthood medical director describes how to bypass the federal partial-birth abortion ban.

A new undercover video just released last week, proves that Planned Parenthood continues it’s barbaric practice of illegal Partial Birth Abortion, an abortion method that puts the baby in the breech position, removes the baby all but the head, and punctures the base of the baby’s skull, killing the living late-term baby to preserve the baby for tissue sales. No pain medication is given to the infant before this procedure. Full Article

This is the perfect example of the banality of evil; this blithe, casual talking about dismemberment of babies. These people are no better than the Nazi doctors. I mean that without an ounce of exaggeration or rhetorical flourish. These people are as bad as Nazi doctors.

Amazing that evil can look so polite and respectable.  I guess you just never know what darkness might lie behind a pretty face.

This is disgusting.  Talking about dismembering unborn babies like they’re pulling weeds in a garden. Then that witch Nucatola chomping on her salad and drinking wine explaining how she murders babies.

Our tax dollars should NOT be funding this murderous group. God bless the CMP for exposing Planned Parenthood and the pure evil that they do. Abortion is nothing but legalized murder of innocent children.

Four Texas Moms Take On The LGBT Activists

Currently in Texas the debate rages about what to do with SB3, something proposed that deals with transgender bathroom access. It’s also much bigger than just the “bathroom bill,” because school districts all over Texas are grappling with stealth efforts by LGBT activists to transform what students actually learn.

The Human Rights Campaign is pushing “Welcoming Schools” on children as young as four or five, and they are not the only ones attempting to replace standard arithmetic, reading, writing, and science, with shamelessly inappropriate curriculum about homosexuality, transgenderism, and political issues such as same-sex marriage or gay parenting.

To teach children about LGBT life is, in most cases, to introduce and suggest it to them at a time when they shouldn’t be encouraged to jump into it. But let’s say we want to teach kids about this sexual content at a young age to prepare them for the topsy-turvy world out there. The curriculum put forward by Welcoming Schools and other gay-affirming educational groups is not the right way to bring this topic to kids.

It is blatantly false, presenting LGBT life as untroubled and joyful. It equates all kinds of intercourse, glossing over the hygienic and epidemiological problems that afflict anal sex in particular. It romanticizes homes, relationships, friendships, and social circles tied to LGBT activities, all but coaxing the children to rush into those milieus expecting happiness and sunshine.

One problem is that this material should never be taught to minors in school at all. But a bigger problem is who is pushing this material right now.

These are the same people who’ve burned us a thousand times before, as I will elaborate in a series of posts on “These are the people who want to talk to your kids.” The movement behind these curricular changes found success almost entirely by threatening, embarrassing, and insulting people who stood in their way. They have never improved the lives of the people they claim to champion. Nor have they ever behaved in a dignified way to people who had reservations or objections to their work.

So what’s next for the Pro-Life Movement?

We continue the fight because the Pro-Life Movement never gives up, not as long as the bloodshed of the unborn continues. Unborn babies have no voice but ours. Full Article

At 2 AM this morning, I was standing outside the Senate chamber in the U.S. Capitol when the latest effort to repeal and replace Obamacare – that would have defunded Planned Parenthood – was defeated by just one vote, 51 to 49.

Senate Defeats Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood

Senate Defeats Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood

There is no other way to put it: This is a painfully disappointing blow to our efforts to enact pro-life health care reform that defunds Planned Parenthood.

This is a mere setback in the middle of a succession of tremendous gains. It is emblematic of all successful human rights movements in our nation’s history. The power of the movement which strikes at the human heart and the inexorable march of gains, while interrupted at times, cannot and will not cease until clear and certain victory. Then and only then will we rest.

For now, we will use this moment to refuel, re-group, and give thanks for the miraculous gains and blessings, and then plan our way forward that will only be possible with our continued partnership with you.