Hillary Clinton Mocks Catholics!

All Americans of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the values we want to be represented in our next president,” (Paul) Ryan added.

Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway blasted the remarks in a conference call Wednesday, saying they show the campaign’s disdain for Catholics.

“For 30 years Hillary Clinton has been openly hostile to practicing Catholics,” she said, citing Clinton’s support of partial birth abortion and the ObamaCare contraception mandate. “Now her staff is caught calling Catholics ‘backwards’ in emails seething with disdain.” Conway called for Clinton to fire those on her staff who have expressed anti-Catholic sentiments.

“Everyone involved should be ashamed. The hostility to religious liberty and disdain for Catholics should not go unpunished,” she said. “We call on Hillary Clinton to apologize and fire the staff involved in this anti-Catholic bigotry.”

“Excellent point,” Podesta exclaimed. “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.” Subsidiarity – an organizing principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority. Political decisions should be taken at a local level if possible, rather than by a central authority.

Read “Summa Theological” to understand “Theistic” thought, which fundamentally means God sets a moral order of the Universe that man must submit themselves to or face certain peril. Podesta and his ilk would do better to actually reflect on those concepts, which kept Western civilization stable for over two millennia, rather than scoff at them like a bunch of high school gossip girls.

One Response to “Hillary Clinton Mocks Catholics!”

  1. Enrigque

    No Catholic should support a demonic woman like Hillary Clinton….She despises the Church. Hates Catholics. Hates the Vatican. Hates the Pope. Hates men leading in Catholic church. Hates men in general. She’s just a woman filled with hate. A truly “nasty woman.” But this, this is the lowest of low…advocating for a woman’s right to kill an unborn baby as per it’s sex, gender or special needs. Just evil. VOTE TRUMP.



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