Demographic Crisis Forces China to Change One-Child Policy

China’s state news agency has reported that the communist country will move to a two-child policy for all couples, “abandoning its decades-long one-child policy.” A leading critic of the human rights abuses associated with the one-child policy warned, however, that characterizing this latest modification as “abandoning” the one-child policy is misleading. “A two-child policy will not end any of the human rights abuses caused by the One Child Policy, including forced abortion, involuntary sterilization or the sex-selective abortion of baby girls,” said Reggie Littlejohn of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. The reason given for the change is entirely demographic: “to balance population development and address the challenge of an ageing population.” –

“The regime is backing away from draconian birth limits,” says Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, “not because senior Party officials have suddenly developed a conscience. Rather, it will be because they have finally realized that a shrinking workforce and a rapidly aging population are crippling future economic growth.” –

One Response to “Demographic Crisis Forces China to Change One-Child Policy”

  1. Poksu

    Thank you, Father, for posting this link.Two thigns occurred to me. First, of course, the absolute horror – how can anyone whatever their faith (or absence of it) fail to be moved. The objection to abortion does not rest on some obscure point of theology, but (as the most ancient Christian sources affirm) on the universal abomination of murder.Second, although I do have some difficulties with a single-issue Party (even on such an important issue as abortion), I think it is appalling that the broadcasting authorities censored this video. In doing so, they were protecting people from seeing what is being done in their name. If we abolished abortion, it would not be possible to produce these appalling images. The dictatorship of relativism indeed.Let us pray for the souls of the unborn whose bodies are so cruelly discarded in this way, but also for those caught up in this evil practice – mothers who see this as the only way out of a perhaps difficult predicament, medical staff who abuse their God-given skills for saving life to do the very opposite, those who justify abortion and those who stifle public debate on the issue.


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