Bishop Tells Sen. Durbin Return to Being Pro-Life

Senator Durbin has long been running afoul of Church teaching. “Failing to protect the lives of innocent and defenseless members of the human race is to sin against justice. Those who formulate law therefore have an obligation in conscience to work toward correcting morally defective laws, lest they be guilty of cooperating in evil and in sinning against the common good.” Full Article

Bishop Bars Catholic Senator from Communion.

Change your heart, change your abortion votes, Bishop Paprocki tells Sen. Durbin

His failure to fulfill his duty as a Catholic politician has resulted in him being barred from receiving Communion in the diocese.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield has barred Senator Richard Durbin from receiving Communion in his diocese. “This provision is intended not to punish, but to bring about a change of heart,” said Paprocki. “Sen. Durbin was once pro-life. I sincerely pray that he will repent and return to being pro-life.” Full Article

“Sen. Durbin was once pro-life. I sincerely pray that he will repent and return to being pro-life,” Bishop Paprocki said. Full Article

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