For many pro-choicers, if you are a pro-life male, you are not welcome to discuss or even listen to a discussion about abortion.
This dismissal of men’s viewpoints simply because of their biology is especially ironic given the fact that many of the same pro-choice advocates have been fighting for sex-neutral bathrooms on campus. Apparently, sexual anatomy does not matter for picking a bathroom, but biological gender can devalue one’s opinions in an intellectual discussion.

Apparently, sexual anatomy does not matter for picking a bathroom, but biological sex can devalue one’s opinions in an intellectual discussion.
The central question to George’s lecture and Law Students from Life’s argument is whether an embryo is a rights-endowed human being.
Instead of debating this issue, these pro-choice advocates have preferred to play identity politics to avoid facing the undeniable fact that a human fetus is a human being with innate human dignity.
The most prominent rebuttal of George’s presentation had nothing to do with the content of his reasoning or the quality of his scholarship; it had to do with the sex of the attendees at the event. If it’s true that a fetus is a human, then it should follow that she cannot be sacrificed for the professional advancement of another.