Sanger established the American Birth Control League, a precursor to today’s Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
As the founder of Planned Parenthood and the impassioned heroine of various feminist causes celebrated, Sanger was responsible for the brutal elimination of more than thirty (50) million children in the United States and as many as two and a half billion worldwide. No one in his right mind would want to rehabilitate the reputations of Stalin, Mussolini, or Hitler. Their

Eugenicist. Immoral. Unmerciful. Bigoted. These words appropriately describe the woman revered by an organization that promotes – and then profits from – the death of innocent babies.
barbarism, treachery, and debauchery will make their names live in infamy forever. Amazingly though, Sanger has somehow escaped their wretched fate. In spite of the fact that her crimes against humanity were no less heinous than theirs, her place in history has effectively been sanitized and sanctified. In spite of the fact that she openly identified herself in one way or another with their aims, intentions, ideologies, and movements with Stalin’s Sobornostic Collectivism, with Hitler’s Eugenic Racism, and with Mussolini’s Agathistic Facism, her faithful minions have managed to manufacture an independent reputation for the perpetuation of her memory. Killer Angel A Biography of Planned Parenthood’s Founder Margaret Sanger by George Grant
She believed that women wanted their children to be free of poverty and disease, that women were natural eugenicists, and that birth control, which could limit the number of children and improve their quality of life, was the panacea to accomplish this. Full article at But it is far more sordid to find your-self several years later burdened down with half a dozen unwanted children, helpless, starved, shoddily clothed, dragging at your skirt, yourself a dragged out shadow of the woman you once were. Family Limitation by Margaret Sanger 1917
40 Days for Life Manhattan Campaign leader Jill Gadwood spoke about the need to bring 40 Days for Life to New York City, which is infamously known as the “abortion capital of America.” 92 Years Later Pro Life Comes to Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Center
Planned Parenthood of New York City: 1923 – Margaret Sanger opens the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan, later known as the Margaret Sanger Research Bureau, where physicians dispense contraceptives and study their health impact. …… More
Was Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood a Racist?
Margaret Sanger’s Dark Legacy Preview: Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? Culture of Life Studies Program The truth about Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger: More Eugenic Than Fellow Eugenicists