While it may not seem immediately evident, Thanksgiving is a profoundly pro-life holiday.

This Thanksgiving I’m Giving Thanks for Life
We focus on the tragedy of abortion, the loss of life and the suffering of the unborn and their mothers. Working to end abortion and to restore hope to a culture which wants to dispose of its most vulnerable members can be a daunting challenge. But the foundation for why we do what we do explains why we are continually “of good cheer.” Full Article
So it is entirely appropriate to celebrate and give thanks for life this Thanksgiving. For our own life, for our family and friends, and for all the mothers who did not choose abortion. We offer thanks for the knowledge that more than at any point in the last twenty years, more unborn children will have the opportunity to celebrate their own Thanksgiving.
So take a moment to give thanks for life this Thanksgiving, focus on the good. Therein rests our hope for the future.