“Girl Scouts is exhibiting a troubling pattern of behavior and it is clear that as they move in the ways of the world it is becoming increasingly incompatible with our Catholic values.”
Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) and its parent organization, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), promotes contraception, “abortion rights,” homosexuality,

Girl Scouts continues to shower honors on women fully supportive of abortion and more. How should you respond to Girl Scout cookie sales this year? Beyond not buying, it is important to explain WHY you are not buying.
and other issues “incompatible” with Catholic values. Full Article
“Our primary obligation is to help our girls grow as women of God,” said Archbishop Robert J. Carlson in his Feb. 18 letter to priests, Scout leaders, and all Catholics in the archdiocese. The Catholic Church and the Girl Scouts: A scandalous Mess
CookieCott has begun. Girl Scouts continues to shower honors on women fully supportive of abortion and more. How should you respond to Girl Scout cookie sales this year? Beyond not buying, it is important to explain WHY you are not buying. Hopefully Girl Scout will return to the values they adhered to in most of the 20th Century.