Senators to vote this week on defunding Planned Parenthood. Contact your senators right now and publicly and proudly urge them to defund America’s biggest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood. Take Action

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Urge your Senator to defund Planned Parenthood NOW. Review and send either a prewritten email or your own email to make it clear that you stand for real health care for women and the lives of preborn children. Take Action
Your senators need to hear from you that NOW is the time to defund Planned Parenthood. We provide your senators’ phone numbers plus suggested talking points so you can leave detailed messages for them. Even if you’ve previously written or emailed them, a few extra minutes out of your day can make all the difference! Take Action
Tweet your senators right now and publicly and proudly urge them to defund America’s biggest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood. Just type in your address, and we’ll provide your senators’ Twitter handles plus a suggested tweet that you can use or edit.