This device is really designed to provide peace of mind to expectant mothers. “Women sometimes don’t feel movement, call their doctor and are told to go to an emergency room. Here there’s the option to put a phone on her stomach and see her baby.” Full Article

When many women who are considering abortion see their preborn babies on the ultrasound screen, they choose life.
Pro-lifers can see the benefit of such technology as well. When many women who are considering abortion see their preborn babies on the ultrasound screen, they choose life. This is why the abortion industry isn’t a fan of informed consent laws requiring them to show women their ultrasounds, even though ultrasounds are considered standard procedure before an abortion to find the preborn baby’s gestational age and to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.
With this new ultrasound device that can show women the reality that their babies indeed have heartbeats (as early as 16 days after conception) and other easily recognizable body parts even early in the first trimester, women could very soon be empowered to see for themselves the truth about the child in the womb.