On April 13th, the annual National Day of Prayer and Protest against Planned Parenthood, with a host of different types of events being held at locations throughout the country. Through prayer vigils, marches and processions, demonstrations and rallies, we will call on our leaders in Washington to defund Planned Parenthood—the nation’s largest abortion provider—and redirect all their federal taxpayer funding to comprehensive health centers that are not involved in abortion.

#ProtestPP will conduct the annual National Day of Prayer and Protest against Planned Parenthood
As the nation’s largest abortion chain with a long record of unethical activity, Planned Parenthood does not deserve our tax dollars. Join us as we cover Planned Parenthood in prayer, asking that babies will be saved, women and men will find forgiveness for their abortions, abortion workers will repent, and Planned Parenthood’s killing centers will close all across the nation and here in our own city.
#ProtestPP will be sponsoring prayer vigils, marches, demonstrations, and rallies for the sanctity of human life. Join pro-lifers across the country. Protests will be held annually until “the abortion chain no longer preys upon our communities” The ultimate goal of the organization is to “stop Planned Parenthood from preying on our families once and for all.”
Through public protest at Planned Parenthood facilities, we seek to focus media attention, both locally and nationally, on the baby parts scandal, educate our communities about Planned Parenthood’s harmful impact on our society, and demand an end to funding of this controversial and corrupt organization in all state and federal programs.