What Will You Say When Your Grandchildren Ask You What You Did About Abortion?

I personally can’t imagine what it must have been like for anyone involved in the Holocaust but it certainly makes me think of the times we live in, right now. My mom told me once that she thinks about what her grandchildren and great grandchildren will say, when looking back on our times.

They’ll likely ask what we did about the Abortion and Euthanasia Holocausts we are living through right now. What are we going to say? I went to a couple of Life Chains? I wrote a letter to my politician? In one sense Oskar Groening was just doing what he was told to do! How many doctors, nurses and medical personnel are doing just that – taking the lives of the innocent and vulnerable because it’s been requested by an

The Medical Ethics of the Holocaust

How did Hitler get millions of people to follow along blindly and not fight back? Now our fellow Americans are taking the same path.

individual or mandated by the state? And how many of us just stand by and let it happen? Is it enough for us to be pro-life, pro-family, anti-culture-of-death, but go about our daily business as if nothing is going on? www.serviamministries.com Sarah Gould FULL ARTICLE

I’m not writing this to make you feel guilty, nor to encourage you to run out and do crazy things in the name of the Pro-Life Movement. I am encouraging you to look at your own life and ask yourself how God might be asking you to defend life.

We aren’t all called to do sidewalk counseling (I believe I would be a blubbering mass of tears, begging those women not to enter those clinics) or pro-life activism in the literal sense.

But God calls everyone to support and defend life at one point or another through their own gifts; to write letters to politicians, to financially support those who are fighting for life, to have children, to encourage and support those struggling with their own children or aging parents, to be jailed for the defense of life like Mary Wagner, or even to give their own lives for their children, as St. Gianna Beretta Molla did (her feast day was yesterday). www.bbc.com – SUPPORTING ARTICLE

National Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood

On April 13th, the annual National Day of Prayer and Protest against Planned Parenthood, with a host of different types of events being held at locations throughout the country. Through prayer vigils, marches and processions, demonstrations and rallies, we will call on our leaders in Washington to defund Planned Parenthood—the nation’s largest abortion provider—and redirect all their federal taxpayer funding to comprehensive health centers that are not involved in abortion.


#ProtestPP will conduct the annual National Day of Prayer and Protest against Planned Parenthood

As the nation’s largest abortion chain with a long record of unethical activity, Planned Parenthood does not deserve our tax dollars. Join us as we cover Planned Parenthood in prayer, asking that babies will be saved, women and men will find forgiveness for their abortions, abortion workers will repent, and Planned Parenthood’s killing centers will close all across the nation and here in our own city.

#ProtestPP will be sponsoring prayer vigils, marches, demonstrations, and rallies for the sanctity of human life. Join pro-lifers across the country. Protests will be held annually until “the abortion chain no longer preys upon our communities” The ultimate goal of the organization is to “stop Planned Parenthood from preying on our families once and for all.”

Through public protest at Planned Parenthood facilities, we seek to focus media attention, both locally and nationally, on the baby parts scandal, educate our communities about Planned Parenthood’s harmful impact on our society, and demand an end to funding of this controversial and corrupt organization in all state and federal programs.


Abortion Shows We are Neither a Christian Nation nor a People Concerned with the Plight of the Oppressed.

We see that abortion is not a moral dilemma, political issue, or philosophical debate—it is the evil of our age.  It is our national sin.  And God will not bless a nation that destroys its children.

In the United States, a child is murdered by his own parents on average twice per minute, every minute of every day.  These murders are freely committed under the covering of “law in a nation that boasts millions upon millions of professing Christians and “enlightened” progressives who claim to be champions of “human rights.” Full Article

Even those who claim to be opposed to the legalized slaughter of pre-born children have by and large taken no meaningful or adequate action against it.  While there are many so-

The faithless blasphemy of legislating the circumstances, criteria, and compromises under which the brutal murder of our littlest neighbors may be committed.

The pro-life movement as a whole has not sought abortions abolition

called “pro-lifers” who desire to see abortion abolished, the pro-life movement as a whole has not sought its abolition, but rather has spent the last forty-four years attempting to regulate legalized child sacrifice within the accepted paradigm “choice.”

We have begun to feel the crushing weight of our culture’s compromising indifference and the neglect of justice and mercy which has allowed the mass murder of children to continue unchecked in our communities, down the street from our churches. In the midst of an ongoing holocaust, we have come to see the pathetic inadequacy of defunding Planned Parenthood—the ludicrous wickedness of calling for “safer” clinics with wider hallways and ambulatory services—and the faithless blasphemy of legislating the circumstances, criteria, and compromises under which the brutal murder of our littlest neighbors may be committed.

We see that abortion is not a moral dilemma, political issue, or philosophical debate—it is the evil of our age.  It is our national sin.  And God will not bless a nation that destroys its children.

Abortion is Today’s Child Sacrifice

Abortion advocates claim society progressed when women were granted the right to abortion. But upon closer inspection, abortion is more like an ancient practice we all condemn: child sacrifice.   Lisa Smiley  presents a powerful video.

Lisa Smiley Abortion Survivor

Lisa Smiley Abortion Survivor

Lisa Smiley wasn’t supposed to survive the one child policy in China. But decades after her parents hid Lisa and her siblings before fleeing to safety, she speaks with compelling clarity to our culture’s raging abortion debate.

Throughout history, certain pagan cultures have sacrificed human infants to demons as a part of a complicated ritual in return for favors asked of them.

Few of those involved in abortion today are consciously engaging in child sacrifice, although that is precisely what abortion is – the sacrifice of a human life for the convenience or needs of others. In that respect, it is no less barbaric than the human sacrifice practiced to ensure, for example, a successful harvest. But beyond this, there is a spiritual, satanically inspired dimension that gives frightening realism to abortion’s identification with literal child sacrifice.


Give Up Porn for Lent

I know, I know, I’ve been writing about porn and purity a lot lately. But there’s a good reason—It’s a HUGE problem.

When 64% of Christian men admit to watching porn at least monthly, and at least 21% of youth pastors admit to being addicted, there’s no point in pretending it isn’t happening. As my good friend Matt Fradd is wont to say, “Why do we preach to the choir about porn? Because the choir is looking at porn!” It may be unpleasant to talk about, but it is altogether necessary. Complete Article


So if you are one of the many men who struggles with pornography, I want to issue a challenge to you: Give up porn for Lent. There is no better time to conquer this sin once and for all than this focused season of purification and conversion leading up to Easter.

  1. It hurts real women – One of the chief seductions of porn is that it feels so harmless at the moment. We rationalize by telling ourselves that we aren’t really hurting anyone, and that everything we see is consensual. The problem is, that isn’t true. Many women who’ve left the industry tell heartbreaking stories of abuse, drug addiction, coercion, trafficking, and more. The porn industry is a horrible place that destroys women and then discards them. When you look at porn, you are contributing to the misery and degradation of countless women. How does that make you feel?
  2. It rewires your brain – Neuroscience is revealing that our brains are not unchanging, but are rather plastic. That means that our brains can be trained and shaped by repeated actions. And guess what? Repeated viewing of porn rewires your brain, and not in a good way. If you want to be an overgrown manchild with a smaller, more infantile brain, go ahead, watch porn. But if you want to be a real man, a man who has control and can make mature choices, you’d better give up porn.
  3. It gets worse – The problem with addictions is that they are almost impossible to compartmentalize or control. Once you are addicted, it always gets worse. That’s just the way our brains work. So perhaps you start out looking at stuff that’s relatively tame. But before you know it, it won’t get you excited anymore. You’ll need something racier and more extreme. And then you’ll be looking at acts so horrible you never could have imagined them, all because that’s what you need to get aroused. Do you really want to end up like Jared?

Can American Economy Survive the Abortion Bomb!!

Can America survive the coming population death spiral? Twenty years ago, I ran full-page ads in the Washington Times National Weekly forecasting economic disaster ahead for America because of the economic and social impact of the abortion epidemic.  Since then, a major economic malaise has set in while the abortion toll has risen from 38 million to 59 million. That’s 30% of our entire younger generation – Gen X, Y and Z all together.  No other generation in history has suffered that kind of toll. It’s as if we had a nuclear war that wiped out the population of our 93 largest cities. Within three short years, that count will climb to include our 100 largest cities. Can America survive the abortion boom?

The economic impact is enormous. Our research indicates that the cost of abortion in terms of cumulative lost GDP has reached $50 trillion and will continue climbing even if all

Decades of declining birthrates are causing a rapid aging of many nation’s populations.

Demographic researcher Dennis Howard predicted the long-term economic consequences of abortion in his 1997 book, The Abortion Bomb: America’s Demographic Disaster.

abortions stopped tomorrow. Italy’s shortage of babies shows that legalizing abortion was a disastrous move.

Italy’s population is declining. The latest statistics show the lowest recorded number of births per thousand since Italian unification, and the number dying each year is greater than the number being born. Could this be some sort of tipping point? The Minister thinks so, saying that Italy is now a “dying country”.

This article should not be taken as yet another example of a Catholic bemoaning abortion. I certainly disapprove, and strongly too, of abortion in all circumstances, as the Church teaches; but the question the Italian Minister of Health raises here has a wider application. If one were to set aside the morality of abortion for a moment, one could still see, whatever one’s views on abortion, that the practice makes very bad sense. When abortion was legalized, people could perhaps have claimed that the results would be at least not socially harmful. But now that we can see the results, now we see the long term effect of legalized abortion, what possible excuse can there be for not recognizing it as the disaster it is? Abortion is Destroying the World: Fewer Births, Older Population Fuel Global Economic Crisis

Fertility decline and demographic aging are major factors in the languishing global economy, say experts whose findings were reported in a week of front-page stories in The Wall Street Journal.

“Experts have struggled to understand why the global economy still languishes years after the 2008 global economic crisis,” said Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D., of C-Fam. “They are now willing to say that demographic decline is a major cause.”


Should You Buy Girl Scout Cookies this Year?

“Girl Scouts is exhibiting a troubling pattern of behavior and it is clear that as they move in the ways of the world it is becoming increasingly incompatible with our Catholic values.”

Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) and its parent organization, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), promotes contraception, “abortion rights,” homosexuality,

http://mygirlscoutcouncil.com/index.html, https://www.facebook.com/MyGirlScoutCouncil/

Girl Scouts continues to shower honors on women fully supportive of abortion and more. How should you respond to Girl Scout cookie sales this year? Beyond not buying, it is important to explain WHY you are not buying.

and other issues “incompatible” with Catholic values. Full Article

“Our primary obligation is to help our girls grow as women of God,” said Archbishop Robert J. Carlson in his Feb. 18 letter to priests, Scout leaders, and all Catholics in the archdiocese. The Catholic Church and the Girl Scouts: A scandalous Mess

CookieCott has begun. Girl Scouts continues to shower honors on women fully supportive of abortion and more. How should you respond to Girl Scout cookie sales this year?  Beyond not buying, it is important to explain WHY you are not buying. Hopefully Girl Scout will return to the values they adhered to in most of the 20th Century.

Lennart Nilsson First to Photograph Unborn Child

Lennart Nilsson, captured the first photographs of unborn babies in their mothers womb.

In April 1965 LIFE magazine published “The Drama of Life before Birth“, with a dramatic cover photograph and 16 pages containing Nilsson’s photographs. The eight million copies produced sold out in a few days. Along with the moon landing and John F Kennedy’s assassination, this article is still among some of LIFE Magazine’s most important stories. “The most unbelievable thing we’ve ever published, with regard to astonishment and beauty.” (Ralph Graves, former managing editor, Life Magazine)

Lennart Nilsson, captured the first photographs of unborn babies in their mothers womb

Lennart Nilsson 1965 book, “A Child is Born,” was one of the most successful photography albums ever, selling in the millions and becoming an iconic work for the anti-abortion movement.

Nilsson also published in October 1965 ‘A Child is Born‘. Using his photographic library, his intention was to provide expectant mothers with a practical guide addressed myths and common anxieties about pregnancy. He provided mothers with a photographic account of the growth of a unborn child in the mothers womb from conception to birth. The book became a huge success, especially among expectant mothers and connoisseurs of photography.

It received lots of praise by many, who described it as providing simple and accurate scientific explanations of the complicated processes that take place during human development. His 1965 book, “A Child is Born,” was one of the most successful photography albums ever, selling in the millions and becoming an iconic work for the anti-abortion movement.

He started as a freelance photographer in the 1940s but later experimented with photographic techniques to take extreme close-ups. By combining that with very thin endoscopes that became available in the mid-1960s, he was able to take the photos that made him famous.

Dirty Dozen List. American Culture has been Pornified??

Since the 1950s generations of pornography users have grown up watching pornography. During the course of the intervening decades, pornography has become increasingly available and normalized. This should come as no surprise, as pornography users, who often start out as teenagers, grow up to become individuals who work as librarians, law enforcement officers, lawyers, judges, reporters, corporate executives, and Hollywood screen writers, etc.

Naturally, the amount and type of pornography they consume eventually colors their judgements, values, and beliefs, and for some, becomes a perspective that is superimposed on their relationships, both private and professional, and ultimately culture writ large.

The evidence of this is all around us. From fashion magazines, the offerings of cable television and Internet service providers, popular entertainment, the “sexting” phenomenon, to the local grocery store checkout isle, American culture has been porned and this is unacceptable.

At NCOSE we work for a world where the pornified vision of reality—with its utilitarian and insatiable consumption of human beings for selfish sexual pleasure, its raw, brutal, debasing, violent and hate-filled themes—becomes unacceptable to all people with concern and respect for the dignity and well-being and humanity.

One way we do this is through the annual “Dirty Dozen List,” which names and shames a range of actors who contribute significantly to the normalization of pornography (or prostitution and sex trafficking). The groups, agencies, and businesses named to this list are among for the nation’s worst—facilitating and protecting access to pornography, pandering and profiting directly from it, or pushing an agenda that normalizes pornography or other egregious forms of sexual exploitation.  Full Article

Unplanned Movie: Abby Johnson

Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation. All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices.

Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in. The Movie

Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation.

From Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, the writers/co-producers of God’s Not Dead, comes a film that speaks to one of the most polarizing topics of our day.

Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days For Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America. Facebook

The Film From Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, the writers/co-producers of God’s Not Dead, comes a film that speaks to one of the most polarizing topics of our day. Unplanned brings us an eye-opening look inside the abortion industry from a woman who was once its most passionate advocate. Article

After reading Abby Johnson’s best-selling book of the same title, Cary and Chuck were moved to bring this inspiring true story to the big screen, giving voice to a woman who has been on both sides of the abortion conversation. Article

Unplanned is the most important movie you’ll ever see on the most controversial issue of our time. No matter which side of the fence you’re on, no one will leave this film unmoved by Abby’s journey. Article

Unplanned … Opens in theaters nationwide March 22, 2019.