This will enshrine the most radically pro-abortion regime of any state in the US. Most people who consider themselves pro-choice on abortion are not radically pro-abortion, but some of the deep-pocketed special interests that bankroll the Democratic Party have earned that loaded moniker.
If you are an illegal immigrant whose fetus is in her third trimester of development, and you decide that you’d prefer a boy instead, your totally elective, sex-selective, late-term abortion is not only legal under this law — taxpayers will pay for it, or your insurance plan must cover it with no copay. Full Article

The beautiful Lila Rose anti abortion activist
It’s difficult to imagine anything more extreme, aside from compulsory abortions. It’s horrifying. Every single Oregon Senate Democrat voted in favor of this monstrosity, with every Republican opposed.
This bill has made Oregon the most radical state in terms of its abortion policy.
“Unconscionable: Oregon Gov. @KateBrownForOR applauds extreme bill forcing taxpayers to fund abortions”. Lila Rose