Pro-life groups are supporting a school walkout to protest abortion after last week’s anti-gun school walkout. The school walkout will be for 17 minutes on April 11 at 10 a.m. in all time zones.
The event organizers are using the hashtag #LIFE. In a tweet, one student encouraged others to talk to their school about a walkout. “Working with @bgillie13 to get my school and more schools involved in this #LIFE National School Walkout,” Students for Life said other “leading pro-family and pro-life organizations” will also be supporting the walkout.

The school walkout will be for 17 minutes on April 11 at 10 a.m. in all time zones.
Rocklin High School student Brandon Gillespie organized the walkout. Gillespie was inspired by his teacher, Julianne Benzel. She’d asked her students to think about whether there was a double standard in protests on school property having to do with abortion and gun control. Her discussion upset two students and she was placed on administrative leave for it.
“If schools, not only just our school and our administration, but across the country are going to allow one group of students to get up during class and walk out to protest one issue, would they still give the same courtesy to another group of students who wanted to protest…abortion?”
Students for Life has resources for students who would like to host similar walkouts at their schools. The Thomas More Law Center also is offering legal guidance to students who want to participate.
I’m with you, time to stand and fight
Thank you for taking a stand