The Annual National Night of Prayer for Life is a pro-life prayer service uniting the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the Feast of St. Juan Diego.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Pray for Us
The National Night of Prayer for Life is a pro-life prayer service consisting of exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 20 decades of the Rosary, prayer to St. Michael, silent prayer and hymns.
Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, is urging all parish priests and pro-life leaders to join in this vital effort. “Prayer is the cornerstone of the pro-life movement,” Father Pavone said. “And parishes should be the hub of activity. Combine the two and you have a great formula for victory.”
For more information and to download prayers, instructions and flyers go to National Night of Prayer
Additional prayer resources from Priests for Life are found here:
Hey you bunch of irresponsible idvdiinuals out their, who are you’ll to play god. What or who gave you’ll the right to take an innocent , defenseless , helpless childs life. If you and your partners didn’t want a child then don’t Spread them and don’t do the act. Or at least if you want it so bad, then use protection. Every living person or thing deserves a fair chance at life. And only the man above has the right to terminate life when HE and ONLY HE thinks it’s time. As far as I see it, you are commiting a crime. No matter how you look at it or how you color it, or how you turn it to your own coviences, TAKING A LIFE UNLESS IT IS IN SELF-DEFENSE, or you HAVE A LIFE THREATENING OR MEDICAL CONDITION THAT WARRENTS TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY. TO ME YOU ARE COMMITING A MURDER. AND THOSE THAT PERFORM OR ASSIT IN DOING SO ARE AN ACCOMPLICE TO A MURDER. MURDER IS MURDER. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE TORN A PART. SIT AND REALLY LOOK AT ALL THE ACTUAL ACTS, STEP BY PAINFUL STEP AND SECOND BY SECOND OF AN INFANTS LIFE ENDING DURING THE ACTUAL PROCEDURE. SEE WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE FOR YOU TO BE RIPPED LIMB FROM LIMB. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THE VERY PERSON THAT IS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT, LOVE AND NUERISH YOU IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DEATH. Please think and protect yourselves. It only takes a minute to do the right thing. And avoid a life time of regrets, guilt and mental and emotional pain. If you do envolve yourself in the act of irrisponsible sex, then take note of the tremendouse blessing god has granted you. AND DO THE RIGHT THING. GIVE YOUR CHILD TO SOMEONE THAT DOES WANT TO PROTECT, LOVE, NURCHER, AND CHERISH THEM LIKE THEY SHOULD BE, Like they deserve. Their are so many that want a child but can not have one. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! DON T BECOME A MURDERER! MY COMMENTS ARE NOT MEANT TO HURT OR INSULT ANYONE. I Only speak the truth. Everyone has a right to do with THEIR OWN LIFE what they want. BUT NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE A HELPLESS INFANT’S Life. NO ONE!