Chemical castration, which is what you’re doing when you put any biologically normal child on puberty blockers, is treating puberty like a disease, arresting a normal process which is critical to normal development and bad for kids. Video

Indoctrinating pre-school kids with the lie that you can be trapped in the wrong body, again, that’s disrupting their normal reality testing and cognitive development.
Sterilization? Not good for kids. Prepping them for what will likely result, in the case of girls, double mastectomy at 16 — not how you treat depression or anxiety, and I have plenty of experience treating teenagers with depression, anxiety, even suicidal depression.
Indoctrinating preschool kids with the lie that you can be trapped in the wrong body, again, that’s disrupting their normal reality testing and cognitive development. Those things are abusive.
American College of Pediatricians President Michelle Cretella said “indoctrinating preschool kids with the lie that you can be trapped in the wrong body” constitutes abuse.
That’s the problem with the transgender agenda — so much of it is based on political correctness. As for the evidence, there’s a paucity of it. But point that out, and liberals start screaming bloody murder.