Last chance to Wake up America
By Dennis Howard
I started Movement for a Better America 20 years ago because I saw a period of economic decline ahead based on my research into the economic impact of abortion. I was the only forecaster to get that right — right down to the dates, starting in the year 2000 and continuing through 2010 and probably 2020.

Now here we are 20 years later in still another election cycle, and things have only gotten worse. The abortion toll has climbed from 35 million to a stunning 59 million by this year’s March for Life. And the cumulative cost in lost GDP has climbed to $58.4 trillion dollars – or roughly three times our national debt.
Now, brand new research confirms that abortion has gone beyond being just a moral, social and economic issue, and now threatens the future existence of our great country. That makes it a major national security issue.
We have reached the point when Americans have to radically reject abortion or accept the inevitability that it is all over for America.
Why this new sense of urgency?
Our latest research indicates we have reached a stage where the “echo effect” of those 59 million abortions is dramatically reducing current and future birth rates. We have begun a new demographic free fall that may be impossible to reverse.
Key fact: Since they are no longer around, those 59 million we aborted cannot contribute to our next new generation. Indeed, the number of U.S. births has been dropping by 1.7% a year since 2007. And that effect will echo down the centuries.
I discovered this earlier in the Black community in New York where births dropped by 50% in the 20 years between 1990 and 2010 because of higher abortion rates among blacks. Now that same effect is being confirmed nationally.
Thanks to abortion on demand, America has begun a population free fall that has huge implications for everything from the economy to national security.
It directly affects national security because the Muslim world, unlike Europe, Russia, China, Japan, and the United States continues to grow at 1.9% a year across 30 leading Muslim countries.
That means the Muslim population of the world will very likely double by 2050 and could make up half the population of the world by 2085. This year it will increase by an estimated 300 million – or close to the entire population of the United States.
Meanwhile, Europe, Russia, China, Japan and the United States will be shrinking. These are the countries that bought the abortion kool-aid sold by the anti-people activists. Based on its faith, the Muslim world didn’t.
Moreover, the Muslim world has plenty of time to catch up with us technically, economically and militarily. The deal President Obama just made with Iran on nuclear energy guarantees that they won’t be standing still in any of those areas.
In short, while we get weaker and weaker economically and demographically, they’ll have the bull by the horns.
That’s why all Americans, but especially our younger generation, need to wake up right now to the threat that the left has been creating for us by pushing the Negative Population Growth ideology, while the Muslim world multiplies.
By 2050, the Muslim world may not even need nuclear weapons to defeat us. They can infiltrate, propagate, and proliferate, and before America even notices, we could all be living under Sharia Law – and have to face the usual fate for infidels.
In short, if we want to stop our population free fall, we urgently need a rude awakening about abortion. That’s why we need your help to create such an awakening.
- Every candidate for President needs to hear about it.
- So do our Senators and members of Congress.
- Every bishop, priest and pastor in our churches need to hear this.
- Leaders in business and the professions need to hear it.
- So do leaders in television, talk radio, the internet, and the press.
- Members of Gen X, Y and Z all need to hear it.
- Finally, we need to rally the whole pro-life movement around this.
To get the word out, I am personally willing to speak wherever I can on this topic. I plan to renew my talk radio campaign where I can reach the public with this message through a dozen radio interviews each month. We need press kits for the media and printed presentations for key leaders in Congress, the churches, and business. Plus videos to reach out to young people via social media and the internet.
I am also hard at work on a blockbuster book on this theme that I expect to have available by mid-year. It is based on all the research, experience and insights we have had on this issue over the last 20 years. A signed copy of the book will be reserved for anyone who donates $50 or more to this campaign.
Believe me, you are not alone in the sacrifice I am inviting you to make. For 20 years, I’ve devoted all my time and energy to this mission, which began with the encouragement of the late John Cardinal O’Connor. I’ve done it all without a salary of any kind. And my wife Anne has devotedly put up with this for 20 years while continuing to work at another non-profit devoted to children with disabilities.
Every donation we’ve received has gone to cover expenses. That’s how we manage to give you a bigger bang for every dollar you donate.
Will you please help me complete this mission by donating today?
I know better than anyone that it is people like you who keep hope alive that America can really become great again. That’s why I am asking for your help.
We estimate total cost of this campaign at $50,000 or $250 a day for its 10-month duration. That includes publication costs for my book, “No Kids, No Future.”
- Ten gifts of $25 each will enable us to campaign for 24 hours.
- Five more gifts of $50 will enable us to double that.
- Your gift of $100 can bring us 1 more talk radio interview.
- Your gift of $250 can reach 250 church and business leaders
- Your gift of $500 can alert every member of Congress
- Your gift of $1000 can pay for a talk radio campaign for a month and make you a patron of my game-changing new book, “No Kids, No Future,” due out in July.
- You can also make a monthly pledge of any amount to help sustain this campaign
You don’t have to give until it hurts. Give because it feels good to make your voice felt. And thanks for whatever you are able to do!
Yours for Life,
Dennis Howard
P.S. Remember what St. Augustine said about hope: “Hope has two daughters. One is the ability to get angry about what is wrong. The other is the courage to do something about it.” That’s why America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Have hope. Take courage. Act today.
To donate, use the Paypal button to pay by credit card, Or send your donation by mail today to:
Movement for a Better America, Inc.
PO Box 472, Mount Freedom, NJ 07970-0472
Movement for a Better America is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organizations
All donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes