The culture at large appears to be awakening to the importance of fathers.

The culture at large appears to be awakening to the importance of fathers. We are beginning to remember there is a steep price to be paid when fathers are disengaged from the daily lives of their children.
Honestly, ask yourselves, when is the last time you had a conversation about abortion when the guy’s role was seriously discussed? Such talk ought to feel natural, but often it seems forced, even awkward.
But another dimension of that truth is that men do matter and ought to care a whole lot more than many of us do. That the children whose lives are snuffed out have fathers.
That countless numbers of those fathers directly contributed to the death of their children either by coercing the mothers or (in some ways worse) by default – – by failing to support women in their hour of desperation and despair.
They have shown us by their words and their actions the value of respecting loved ones, of defending truth and justice, and of Life itself. This Father’s Day, honor the dad in your life with a special recognition unlike any other gift.