“Since abortion mills will not purchase cemetery plots to bury the children that they murder – because then they would have to admit that they are persons -many hire medical waste companies to dispose of the fetal remains.”
COLUMBUS, Ohio, August 9, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) The country’s largest waste hauler confirmed that it has ceased doing business with hundreds of customers, “including many Planned Parenthood locations, in the wake of a pro-life group’s campaign to stop the disposal of aborted children.

The gruesome Business Getting Rid of and Hiding the Mountain of Aborted Flesh from dismembered children
Medical waste firm Stericyle, Inc. ended business agreements with more than 400 customers in recent years, the company said in court papers, because the companies did not certify they would comply with an agreement to not use Stericycle to dispose of aborted babies.
This was affirmed in a June letter from Stericycle CEO Charles Alutto to Ohio-based pro-life group Created Equal.
Created Equal national director Mark Harrington told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive statement that Stericycle had taken “a vital first step in the process of ceasing its involvement with the abortion cartel.”
Stericycle has been Planned Parenthood’s main medical waste service provider in America, according to Created Equal, and the abortion giant cannot do business without the disposing of children aborted at its facilities.