If the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) thought they’d found a soft target in Chino Valley Unified Schools, they were greatly mistaken. Apparently, liberals haven’t learned their lesson about tangling with California’s Calvary Chapel church network, where a firestorm over praying at school board meetings is resulting in a bigger fight than atheists bargained for. Pastor Jack Hibbs, one of FRC’s Watchmen pastors, hasn’t backed down on religious liberty before — and he doesn’t plan to start now. The head of a culturally-engaged congregation that’s also battling the state’s ObamaCare abortion mandate is now pushing back on another front: school board invocations. Complete Article

In November 2014, the district was sued by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, along with anonymous district staff, students and community members. Chino Valley Unified was defended by attorneys from the Sacramento-based Pacific Justice Institute, a nonprofit conservative legal defense organization that specializes in religious freedom. The district now owes the Freedom from Religion Foundation $197,405 in legal fees, more than the salary for four beginning teachers.
On Feb. 18, U.S. District Judge Jesus Bernal told the board to end its years-long tradition of “reciting prayers, Bible readings and proselytizing at board meetings.” But Bernal isn’t getting the final word: Last week, the board voted 3-2 to appeal Bernal’s decision.