John Moore does the walking part — sometimes more than 15 miles per day across highway and local road, good weather or bad.

His walk started earlier this year in San Francisco and will end in Washington, D.C., on January 18, 2019, for the national Walk for Life.
His walk started earlier this year in San Francisco and will end in Washington, D.C., on January 18, 2019, for the national Walk for Life.
But Moore, 68, does not look like an ordinary walker on the road — on his back he carries one of two handmade wooden crosses he made for the journey.
The crosses encourage passersby to stop and ask Moore what on earth he’s doing, and much of the response he’s received has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s part of what keeps him going, this opportunity to be a “witness for Christ,” even in the rain and hot sun, even on dusty dirt roads that never seem to end.
I always tell people it’s my job to put one foot in front of the other, and the outcome is in God’s hands … To be 68 years old and carrying a cross across the country, I consider myself blessed.”