Why is abortion The UnChoice?

Over half of abortions in America are unwanted or coerced, and many here and elsewhere are forced,1 followed by serious aftereffects, ranging from physical injury and post-traumatic stress to death of the mother, too. This site offers user-friendly, downloadable evidence-based educational resources regarding unwanted abortions and aftereffects.

Protest Stericycle Waste Disposal Company

On Wednesday, May 22, #ProtestPP is organizing simultaneous nationwide protests outside locations of the waste disposal company Stericycle, a major partner of Planned Parenthood. Despite the official company policy against hauling fetal remains, Stericycle continues to pick up at Planned Parenthood facilities. State investigators have determined that these pickups include fetal remains. A major protest... Read more »

Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing

This is a national briefing created just for pastors to inform, inspire and equip you to engage issues such as the erosion of religious liberty, ascendance of the LGBT agenda and disregard for the dignity of human life.   

Rally at the Capitol

Alabama just made a HUGE statement in defense of the preborn. So let’s stand with our courageous elected officials, united as one pro-life movement, and applaud a major victory. On Wednesday, May 22nd, CEC For Life is headed to Montgomery to celebrate the passage of HB314. We want you to come along! At 11 AM,... Read more »

Pro-Life Town Hall Tour

The Bucks County Right to Life and the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation invite you to join Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo, Legislative Director Maria Gallagher and Education Director Bonnie Finnerty for up-to-date information on a variety of pro-life topics at a pro-life town hall to be held on Wednesday, May 22 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.,... Read more »

Pro-Life Social

Join Chicago Pro-Life Future. Join us at Simon's Tavern in Andersonville, home of the famous Glogg Slushie! Come meet and network with other pro-life young adults as we prepare to kick-off a lot of efforts to reclaim our city as a pro-life one! 

Counter-Protest Pro-Abortion #StopThe Bans Rally

This week, hundreds of pro-abortion #StopTheBans rallies are being held throughout the country in response to new pro-life abortion bans passed in states like Alabama, Georgia and Ohio. Join us as we counter-protest this even in Chicago! 

Canterbury Medal Gala

Each year Becket honors a person who embodies and lives out an unfailing commitment to religious freedom, someone who has resolutely and publicly refused to render unto Caesar that which is God’s.

Annual Fundraising Dinner

The Reno Crisis Pregnancy Center is holding its annual fundraising dinner featuring Author and Teacher Lisa Harper.

Lila Rose at Stanford University

Is Abortion Empowerment or Exploitation? Join a Discussion and Q&A With Lila Rose, Founder and President of Live Action. Building 420-41