Black lives matter. Or so we’re told.
Yet over 300,000 deaths of unarmed black lives in the womb happen every year due to abortion brutality and this movement embraces the violence as “reproductive justice”.
Black women have abortions at rates 5 times higher than the majority population. Full Article

Black lives matter
In NYC, home of Planned Parenthood, there are 1,101 abortions for every 1,000 live births in the black community—more aborted than born alive.
Compare that to 228 abortions for every 1,000 live births among whites and 557 abortions for every 1,000 Hispanic live births.
The only extreme position here is justifying the deaths of those who could one day make history. There is no dignity in willfully destroying our Future.
There is no equality when it’s not extended to the most vulnerable among us. #BlackLivesMatter? #AllLivesMatter?
Liberals show that hashtags are rather meaningless. Human beings, in and out of the womb however, are not.