David revealed the TRUTH about Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. As a result, his home has been raided, his personal property has been seized, and he faces 3 separate lawsuits, felony criminal indictment in Texas, and possible indictment in California.

Pro-aborts initiate vicious new attacks on David Daleiden . . . .
California Attorney General Kamala Harris sends 11 state agents to raid David’s home and seize his property in preparation for indictments.
Two large PP affiliates—with $60 million in revenue annually—pile on as plaintiffs in lawsuits!
Please . . . won’t you help Life Legal stick up for David?
Reeling from a year of unparalleled bad press all because of video revelations made by David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress Planned Parenthood and its allies have started dangerous new actions designed to destroy the messenger . . . .
California’s top cop raided David’s home after being goaded by pro-aborts in a Los Angeles Times article. . . .The California AG is also investigating the non-profit tax status of the Center for Medical Progress. . . .In Houston, Texas, a grand jury investigating PP’s illegal trade in baby body parts did an unbelievable somersault and indicted David Daleiden instead!
The grand jury even indicted him for the crime that Planned Parenthood is committing—trading in body parts!
David’s colleague Sandra Merritt was also indicted in this Through-the-Looking-Glass, topsy-turvy move.
Planned Parenthood piled on with a lawsuit of its own against David and the CMP!
You see . . . lawsuits by the National Abortion Federation, StemExpress, and Planned Parenthood itself are already underway. Life Legal is appealing the NAF case to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
We at Life Legal have been fighting hard to defend David — to make sure that a lot of the later videos will be seen by the public . . .
But the latest pro-abort actions are designed to overwhelm David’s legal team . . . to make it absolutely impossible for him to stand up to the flood unleashed against him!
It’s an old, old pro-abort strategy. Because the pro-aborts are practically swimming in oceans of money—and really, in oceans of blood money—they figure they can win court battles by outspending the pro-life side.

The sad thing is that these new actions could easily be turned aside — and even made to serve the interest of truth — if Life Legal manages to raise the necessary funds . . . .
Indictments against David made good pro-abort headlines for a day. But legal experts think that, with a reasonable defense, there won’t be any convictions.
As Judge Andrew Napolitano points out, the crimes alleged are “crimes of intent” — and prosecutors can’t show any criminal intent on the part of journalists investigating a shady enterprise.
You can tell that the abortion mega-corporation is worried about this questioning— because they failed to include “defamation” as a cause of action.
If they had included “defamation,” they would have been open to a level of discovery that they just couldn’t face . . . .
As things stand, they are still playing a dangerous game. Discovery is very likely to reveal in court things they want to keep hidden!
Please . . . could you consider helping us with a timely contribution today?
Considering the new challenges that have descended this month, we at Life Legal estimate that weneed to raise $85,000 by May 6 in order to provide David with the defense he deserves — while attending to our many other vital pro-life commitments.Because we are up against PP’s billion-dollar war chest — and because PP has enlisted government entities on its side — we are especially seeking gifts of up to $1,000 from pro-lifers who can afford to consider such outstanding generosity.
But we would be truly grateful for any amount you could afford to give. We know from long experience that small gifts can do great things — if given with great love . . . .
They’re thinking that they have finally got control of this whole video exposé problem.
They’re thinking that the dirty tricks of their media buddies have finally carried the day, at least to some extent.
And now they have turned the tables on the investigators! The pro-aborts are really proud of that.
Then they can go right back to business as usual – serial abortions to cover up for child rapists, botched abortions smuggled to the hospital or to the morgue without comment, and baby body parts sold to the highest bidder . . . unobserved and unchallenged!
The pro-aborts are thinking that they are almost ready to return to what they consider normal.
But they are worried — because, after all, the truth about Planned Parenthood has slipped out . . . .
Please. . . help Life Legal stand up for David Daleiden — so that David Daleiden can stand up for the truth!
Yours for the threatened child in the womb,
Alexandra Snyder
Executive Director
P.S. Could you please send your generous gift today? There is no time to spare if David is to be saved from these latest attacks . . .
P.P.S. The latest outrage is that California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris – who receives campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood on a regular basis – has invaded David Daleiden’s home and seized his computers and papers! More bogus charges are on the way! If Life Legal doesn’t get the help it needs, David’s legal team may indeed be overwhelmed by Planned Parenthood’s attacks. . . .
To help fund David’s legal defense, please click here: