Nazi concentration camp survivor, Eva Edl, at 82 years old, was one of eleven Christians arrested on May 13, 2017, at the EMW abortion facility in Louisville, Kentucky, at a Pro Life rescue organized by Operation Save America.

‘these are the death camps of America.’
Eva considers a rescue — placing her body in front of an abortion facility — to be an act of obedience and worship to God. Full Article
She described the first time she participated in such an event. “The first time I realized there were abortion clinics in our country was in 1988. I said to my husband, ‘these are the death camps of America.’ I saw people sitting in front of abortion clinics in Atlanta and I’ve been involved ever since.”
Eva says that when she chose to sit in front of the Kentucky abortion facility, she knew the cost, but she believes that intervening on behalf of innocent children being led to their deaths is an act of mercy. “When the government decided to make it a Federal offense by passing the F.A.C.E. Act [Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances], most people didn’t dare to interpose and put their bodies in front of the door anymore,” Eva said. “I only rescued once in Philadelphia – but I knew that the time would come that we would have to risk it in order to give God the excuse to be merciful to our nation. I think it’s our last chance.”
Eva knows all too well what can happen when Christians are silent in the face of evil.
Eva Edl is a survivor not of a nazi concentration camp but a survivor of a communist concentration camp.