“Tolerance is essential in a free society. And tolerance is most meaningful when it’s mutual”.
The irony of the comparison of Phillips to a Nazi the state could rightfully force cake artists to celebrate the racist ideals of white supremacy, or one of the most infamous events in world history, the Holocaust. Like many Americans, Phillips seeks to work in a manner consistent with his deeply held religious beliefs, including on marriage. In order to follow his conscience, he has turned down requests for cakes that contain messages expressing certain ideas: Halloween and divorce, anti-American themes, and even anti-gay messages.
In 2012 he had politely declining to design and create a cake for a same-sex wedding.

Colorado Cake Artist Jack Phillips goes to United States Supreme Court
He has asked the court to uphold his freedom to live and work consistent with his religious convictions, a freedom the First Amendment guarantees. Full Article
The justices are being asked in the case — known as Masterpiece Cake shop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights — whether shop owner Jack Phillips has to make a cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins’s same-sex marriage under Colorado’s public accommodations law. Video
Phillips claimed that decorating cakes is a form of art, that he can honor God through his artistic talents and that he would displease God by creating cakes for same-sex marriages.
Craig and Mullins claim Phillips discriminated against them based on their sexual orientation by refusing to make the cake they requested in 2012, in violation of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA).