Posts Categorized: Modesty

They are Bent on Dismantling the Natural Family

Ideologues don’t want what the rest of us want. The endgame for gender ideologues and their allies (feminist, Marxist, gay, lesbian, “gender-queer,” and so forth) has nothing to do with… Read more »

Schools Must Teach Gender Expression Starting in Kindergarten

The document clearly instructs public schools districts to begin teaching students — beginning in Kindergarten — about gender expression, gender identity, gender roles, and sexual orientation.  The state expects this area of education to be… Read more »

Are Small Acts of Cowardice Destroying Our Culture?

One of his New York City readers wrote in to say that her 14-year-old daughter had just finished dressing in a city locker room when a grown man stepped from… Read more »

51 Families Sue Over Transgender Bathroom Policy

A group of 51 families whose children attend a high school in Illinois filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday, attempting to reverse a policy that allows a transgender student to use… Read more »