We see the child’s mouth wide open in a silent scream… “often feel pain … that is long and agonizing” during an abortion.
“The heart is beating at a rate of approximately 140 a minute. And we can see the child moving rather serenely in the uterus… and the mouth is receiving the thumb of the child… the abortionist has now dilated the cervix and is now inserting the suction tip… you will note that as the suction tip moves toward the child the child will rear away from it… we see the child’s mouth wide open in a silent scream… the heart has perceptibly speeded up, we can time this at approximately 200 beats per minute, there is no question that the child senses the most mortal danger imaginable.” The Silent Scream Ultrasound Video
Bernard Nathanson In 1969 then abortion advocate Bernard Nathanson joined forces with feminist Betty Friedan to form the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws or currently known as NARAL Pro-Choice America. Nathanson was personally responsible for over 5,000 abortions and oversaw over 70,000 more in a major abortion clinic. A New York City native and son of a gynecologist, Nathanson himself became an obstetrician, was a graduate of Cornell University and earned his medical degree in 1949 from McGill University. It was during his time in McGill. More at www.calendarforlife.org

We see the child’s mouth wide open in a silent scream… “often feel pain … that is long and agonizing” during an abortion.
University where he prompted his girlfriend to illegally abort their baby only to have her return “ashen and trembling violently” in a taxi with a “pool of clotting blood on the floor.” A decade after establishing and serving as Medical Director for NARAL, Nathanson began to change. He started to publicly discuss his discomfort with abortion procedures. In 1984, after President Reagan’s pro-life remarks that the unborn “often feel pain … that is long and agonizing” during an abortion, Nathanson’s was compelled to work on the film “The Silent Scream.” The film was of an ultrasound abortion intended to show “for the first time … a child being torn apart, dismembered, disarticulated, crushed and destroyed by the unfeeling steel instruments of the abortionist.” It was named Silent Scream because as Nathanson stated, “the child’s mouth is wide open in a silent scream” exactly before an abortion is carried out. The film was widely dispersed to members of Congress and all nine Supreme Court Justices. Reagan famously endorsed the film before thousands of pro-life activists in the “March for Life” of 1985. The same film was criticized by abortionists and often labeled “emotional pornography.” After working on “The Silent Scream,” Nathanson made a late-term abortion film titled “Eclipse of Reason.” “Nathanson had a controversial past but his past gave him authority to openly and sincerely proclaim the pro-life message,” states Karen England. “His work on behalf of the unborn shall not be forgotten.” Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council said, “[Nathanson’s] legacy is people like Lila Rose, who also helps to expose Planned Parenthood — and Abby Johnson, another…person who [formerly] worked in the pro-abortion movement and decided to move on… His legacy is all of those who march every January [in the March for Life], and hopefully we can accomplish his dream of ending abortion in this nation.” “He also realized the mistakes that he made and described the lies that he and his fellow abortion proponents used to push the abortion agenda,” McClusky recalls. “His passing is very sad, but at the same time hopefully it can be added to this historic time of when we are finally becoming more and more a pro-life nation, thanks to his efforts.” Bernard Nathanson passed away on Monday at age 84. According to his wife Christine, he died of cancer.