It was in Alfie’s “best interest” to die. With “dignity,” of course.
On April 23, 2018, Alder Hey (Hospital) removed Alfie’s ventilator, per its “end of life plan.”

This is not dignity. This is not health care. This has nothing to do with Alfie’s “best interests.” This is MURDER.
But Alfie didn’t follow the plan. He started breathing on his own. The next day, when Alfie got tired and his lips turned blue, the hospital refused to intervene. So Alfie’s mom and dad gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to keep their baby alive.
Alder Hey then removed Alfie’s food and water. After all, the hospital had an “end of life plan” for Alfie that only included one outcome: Alfie’s death. Eventually, the hospital relented and provided an oxygen tube and hydration for comfort. But they remain committed to the plan, which now includes starving Alfie to death.
And now he is breathing on his own. But that’s not enough for Alder Hey. One way or another, Alfie must be made to comply with the hospital’s plan.
Alfie has needed a minor procedure (tracheostomy) for well over a year to provide an adequate flow of oxygen, but Alder Hey never did the procedure. Why not? Because Alder Hey decided from the beginning that Alfie’s life was not worth saving because it was not worth living.
The Vatican’s Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome offered to treat Alfie. Alder Hey refused to release the baby and obtained an order from Justice Hayden prohibiting him from being transferred to another hospital.
Life Legal Defense Foundation is committed to doing everything in our power to help Alfie and his parents. At this time, Justice Hayden appears to be resolute in denying Alfie any chance to be transferred out of Alder Hey.