Ireland is a battleground nation for abortion activists, backed by some of the world’s richest men. The pro-life country’s Eighth Amendment protects the right to life of unborn babies and bans abortions except when the mother’s life is in jeopardy; but abortion activists are working hard to repeal it.
Irish Archbishop Eamon Martin praised his nation for providing tender, loving protections to mothers and unborn babies on Oct. 1 in a passionate speech against abortion. The Catholic archbishop urged Irish people to counter the pro-abortion efforts with a “revolution of tenderness,” according to the Catholic News Agency. Saturday was the Day of Life, a date the Catholic Church in Ireland sets aside to celebrate the sanctity of life.
In August, Ireland’s High Court agreed. A High Court judge ruled that the word “unborn” in the Irish Constitution means an “unborn child” who has the same rights as other human beings that “must be taken seriously.”