Birmingham March for Life

Brother Bryan Park
22nd Street South at 10th Ave
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
United States

Start Date: January 12, 2019

Start Time: 9:00am
End Time: 1:00pm
Timezone: Eastern

January 12, 2019 9:00am Jan. 12th, 2019 1:00pm Birmingham March for Life

Birmingham Rally and March for Life - Mass for Life at 9:00 am at Cathedral of Saint Paul 2120 3rd Ave N, Birmingham, AL, 10:30 am at Brother Bryan Park 22nd Street South at 10th Ave, Birmingham, Alabama. We are fast approaching one of the most meaningful opportunities for the entire community to gather and proclaim publicly the sanctity of every human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

22nd Street South at 10th Ave Birmingham, Alabama 35203 United for Life Foundation

Birmingham Rally and March for Life - Mass for Life at 9:00 am at Cathedral of Saint Paul 2120 3rd Ave N, Birmingham, AL, 10:30 am at Brother Bryan Park 22nd Street South at 10th Ave, Birmingham, Alabama. We are fast approaching one of the most meaningful opportunities for the entire community to gather and proclaim publicly the sanctity of every human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

Facebook Page:
View the Event Flyer.
Sponsor: United for Life Foundation

Contact: United for Life Foundation
Phone: 205-705-9158