Stop Carhart Demonstration *

On the Public right of way Leroy H. Carhart, M.D.
10401 Old Georgetown Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
United States

Start Date: November 5, 2018

Start Time: 9:00am
End Time: 11:00am
Timezone: Eastern

November 5, 2018 9:00am Nov. 5th, 2018 11:00am Stop Carhart Demonstration *

Targeted protest outside Leroy Carhart's abortion center. The Anti-Choice Project. Our goal is to make abortion unthinkable by publicly defending the dignity of preborn lives and exposing the wickedness of their destruction. Abortion will be abolished when society can no longer tolerate its own guilt and repents. We peacefully speak against human abortion using visual displays and messages, literature, open air preaching and on-the-street conversations.

10401 Old Georgetown Rd Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Dick Retta

Targeted protest outside Leroy Carhart's abortion center. The Anti-Choice Project. Our goal is to make abortion unthinkable by publicly defending the dignity of preborn lives and exposing the wickedness of their destruction. Abortion will be abolished when society can no longer tolerate its own guilt and repents. We peacefully speak against human abortion using visual displays and messages, literature, open air preaching and on-the-street conversations.

Facebook Page:
Sponsor: DC Area Anti-Abortion Advocacy

Contact: Dick Retta
Phone: 7032327426