Sidewalk Ministry Mass for Life

San Jose Catholic Parish
2435 Oak Crest Ave
Austin, Texas 78704
United States

Start Date: February 2, 2019

Start Time: 8:00am
End Time: 9:30am
Timezone: Mountain

February 2, 2019 8:00am Feb. 2nd, 2019 9:30am Sidewalk Ministry Mass for Life

Diocese of Austin Pro-Life Activities.The goal of Sidewalk Ministry is the conversion of hearts – focusing on the soul of the mother seeking an abortion and offering her support and encouragement to choose life. Our prayer vigils are prayerful, peaceful, and pastoral. Signs should not be brought to the vigil unless they are approved and offer help. If you have attended a Sidewalk Ministry Training and need to replenish your materials, please see the list below for appoved items.    

2435 Oak Crest Ave Austin, Texas 78704 Diocese of Austin Pro Life Activities

Diocese of Austin Pro-Life Activities.The goal of Sidewalk Ministry is the conversion of hearts – focusing on the soul of the mother seeking an abortion and offering her support and encouragement to choose life. Our prayer vigils are prayerful, peaceful, and pastoral. Signs should not be brought to the vigil unless they are approved and offer help. If you have attended a Sidewalk Ministry Training and need to replenish your materials, please see the list below for appoved items.    

Sponsor: Diocese of Austin Pro Life Activities

Contact: Diocese of Austin Pro Life Activities
Phone: 512-949-2488