We felt Lied to by the Hospital!!

Lane Hauber had a ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ put on his file as a newborn without his parent’s knowledge or consent.  FULL STORY

Lane’s father, Alex, arrived in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a visit to find a ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR) in paperwork attached to his son’s crib. “We were devastated,” Lane’s mom Alisha expressed, “…not only did we get the shock of the diagnosis, but now we were being told that we had zero rights in making medical decisions for our son.”  Alisha stated.

“We felt lied to by the hospital, and angry about our child not being treated like a human being. Why is it O.K. to take away parental rights?  Aren’t we the ones that have to live with the consequences of our decisions?”  For the neonatologist to secretly and lethally neglect a patient based on many unknowable qualities and capacities at birth can neither be called scientific nor compassionate medical care.

The same physicians who would be shocked or angry when a patient would deny the doctor information to do their job are denying their newborn patients standard care and informed consent.  Lane’s parents assumed the hospital and doctors were acting in good faith toward their son seven years ago until they stumbled across the ‘Do Not Resuscitate’.  This current study displays that the vast majority of doctors would treat Lane the same way today.

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