Media Covers Orlando, Ignores Abortion! Why?

She remarked: how could we expect a teenager on the streets to respect the life of another teen when lives are not respected in their mothers’ wombs? Her statement in the resulting video was so insightful that our state Attorney General at the time remarked that it had made a powerful impression on him.

p-unborn-person1-285xTragedies such as abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide target our most vulnerable and helpless populations, and they breed a philosophy which discounts the sacred value of human life. In a real sense they are the ultimate hate crimes. Sadly, we will not hear the names of these unborn victims read by cable news anchors or pop stars. In most cases, they have no names.

When I was a teenager, the idea of a shooting occurring inside a club was unthinkable—but then again, so were shootings in movie theaters, malls, and churches. Yet these have been the traumatic realities we have been dealing with in recent years. In far too many instances, we have been a nation in mourning.

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